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House Decorating in Skyrim


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So i have a clutter mod i've been 'working' on - haven't in over a month. Did some playtesting with it before christmas, and nearly all the items I'd placed were next to impossible to place in my house, which was the entire point of the mod in the first place.


Is anyone else noticing this? There are obviously workarounds and mods that address the weighted issues, but so far none of them have really worked out for me. To be honest, i'm wondering if it's just something I should forget about for skyrim - it was much easier in morrowind, but with havoc it just...seems more frustration than it's worth. if you can't place the stuff you find, there isn't much point to collecting it, either - the weapon and mannequin racks are great, and I did find a mod last night that might let me put potions etc on shelves, but that doesn't effect the neat statues, bug jars, or...any of the neat stuff in skyrim.


Anyone else getting frustrated with this? i haven't worked on the mod simply b/c the enjoyment of taking the stuff ingame is gone.


Kinda seems like bethesda let one of the biggest draws of the series fall by the wayside. Unintentionally obviously, but still.



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Howdy Slains,


hope you survived the holiday excesses relatively intact :)


Maybe this modder's resource will aid your quest to place stuff?




Unless that's the mod you found, but it still seems like it should be adaptable to whatever decorating needs you have. Or you could considering turning the miscobjects (with collision and the famous skyrim bounce-around-the-house) into statics and using scripts to place them; there is a candles and lanterns modders resource somewhere out there with a placing script you could adapt.


Not big on decorating myself, but I know a lot of people seem to enjoy doing it.

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yeah thats the one l found. looking forward to placing some of it in the modded winstad manor l'm working on. it doesn't let you place the more unique items as far as l can tell, tho - the dibella statues etc. l wanted to be able to place the stuff ingame by myself as l found it, that's the problem. if i did it with scripts, sure it'd look good, but... it wouldn't have really been collected by me etc.


tbh l'm sorta losing interest in the game in general l think. was hoping l'd be able ot buy db for christmas, but since that didn't work out obviously l just kinda... meh. lol.

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