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[Req] home decoration mod


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Hi there :)


Back in my Oblivion playing days, there was a mod that allowed you to decorate your home with items you found. Letting you lock them in place (no more accidental kicking around items from tables) and even on walls, choosing the direction, location bearing. ( found it http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16018 )


I know that is a bit preliminary since we have no cs (and no FOSE) yet, but however i would like that very much. And maybe theres a bit that can be ported over, so one did not need to start from scratch.

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A great idea, i can see homes becoming a huge topic of future mods when G.E.C.K is released.


i don't even use my house any more. the first time i acquired my house in megaton, i was disappointed it was such a dump ( i mean the bed.. please..) , so i spent ages "sprucing it up", then i let dog meat in... so long hard work, that dog trashed everything while following me around.


i hope there are some decent house mods, because at the moment you have a choice of a holey tin can next to a leaking pipe, or a nice apartment with the storage of melon, and you cant decorate either because you knock everything over every time u try and move around out of sneak mode.. lol.

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  • 8 months later...

shameless bump ...


much has happened: we have G.E.C.K. and FOSE

the file i originally linked doesn`t exist (or moved) ...

but the need for such a mod still does exist :biggrin:


anyway some oblivion mods that lock items in place, maybe there could be a start?

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6021 (decorator Assistant)

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12397 (DA-unlocker)

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12293 (modified DA)


could someone try to do something similar, please? (preeettyy please http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/n030.gif )


even something like an (simple?) console command that locks an item that you have to grab-and-place with the "y"-key would be wonderful! :)

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