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to Respawn or not to Respawn


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I'm finishing up my mod and can't seem to get respawning containers to behave properly.


In Breezehome, I want certain containers to respawn and some not to, so I changed Breezehome's default encounter zone from 'NoResetZone' to 'RiverwoodZone' so I can get selected containers to respawn. Then I enabled the 'respawns' option on containers I want to respawn and disabled this option to prevent respawns on containers I want to keep safe.


So after leaving the home for 30 days, no containers reset.


What am I missing? If there is a flaw in my thinking (highly likely! :P ), does anyone have a suggestion to allow only certain containers in a zone to reset while leaving others alone?


Thanks for any input =)

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I think yes. And I think you were on the right track, but it may not take affect in an existing game. You might have to start a brand new game to see the effect.


At least testing on a brand new game would be worth the try, tho if you are going to wait 30+ days in game do it some place far away from Breezehome & Whiterun in general. Markarth or Solitude should be plenty far away. The trick is that once loaded into the game, it doesn't actually reload on each vist but pulls the data from the save file instead. You have to be far enough away to have loaded a bunch of other crap in so that the game looks at the save file and realizes that that info is really old and needs to load fresh data. :P

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