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Issues with FO3/DA/Witcher/NWN server


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Fallout 3 server is back up. Skyrim server was down due to an unrelated incident. Looks like NMM was DoS'ing the server again.

site still down for me



sometimes the browser has issues of it's own after issues like this hit F5

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I am still unable to log in to FO3. I understand it was down and that it would take sometime to get it back up.

I checked again last night, still down. This afternoon I saw that a few members said it wa back up and yet it still will not log me in.

I deleted my cookies as some one else said it could be the problem, no luck with that.

Any one have any ideas as to why it is working for some but not others?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skyrim Nexus same for me as for Farlo, evidently. Getting lots of 502 errors again.


The Dragon Age nexus still doesn't work for me. I get a 502, I was able to get on the site earlier today for a short bit, but I was unable to download or log in at all.

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