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Lighting Problems?


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I have quite a few graphical mods installed, and I don't know for sure what's causing my problem, but when using Predator Vision, my screen flickers cyan and then returns to normal, or, if I'm unlucky, stays cyan, and won't return to normal, even if I turn off Night vision. It seems to happen in a certain light, because it has also happened when standing next to nirnroot or looking at certain parts of the sky. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


It fixes itself when I remove my ENB, but it's never done this before, so I don't know what could be causing it to mess with the ENB in the first place.


EDIT: I tried a different ENB, and when it hits a certain color/contrast/saturation, it not turns bright, neon green. I still have no clue what's happening. It does it permanently with the Predator vision, but when I activate teh Dance of Death, when you exit the menu Skyrim becomes very bright and saturated, and now it turns green.


Please help.

Edited by Meandmine
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