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Weapon Armorer MOD


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Hey, this is an incarnation of a MOD ideas idea a couple of days ago. I'm working on this MOD to create your own weapons, and it should be out within the next couple of days; I just got the script working today.


Right now, you can only make steel weapons, but the rest will be simple enough to script using the steel model. The weapons (and materials required) are going to be as follows:


Glass (raw glass)

Ebony (raw ebony)

Steel (steel ingots)

Iron (iron ingots)

Dwemer (scrap metal)

maybe deadric, if I can find a material (deadras' hearts maybe.... oooooohh)


anyway, if I missed a weapon type that interest's you (and has a respective "ingredient"... I can't make new ingredients wth new meshes, sorry) tell me about it. Thanks.


Oh, and I also plan on doing an addition later for bloodmoon: to make Ice weapons.... but I don't know the script variable for stalhrim. anybody know it?


This uses Indestructable's Armorer 1.15 MOD scripts, which I have modified. (The plugin will also require the Armorer 1.15 MOD).


Thanks to AtReX aLpHa for the original idea.


P.S. anyone know a good zipping program that I can use for putting this together so I can upload it to the MML site? thanks.

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Yeah, does winzip come with windows, or is it software I need to get (downloadable? freeware?)


The iron ingots and steel ingots are meshes that I got with the Indestructable's Armorer 1.15 MOD. They're huge items, but don't cost too much... forget the weight though, not that you'd be carrying them around a lot.

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No, unfortunately, there will be no new sets of weapons, 'cause, well, I can't create meshes (plus, this is for weapons, not armor, so no new armor anyway). So, if you have complete sets of the aforementioned list of weapon types, this MOD may not be for you. But if you're having trouble finding an ebony longsword to enchant, or an iron shortsword to practice with, this MOD may be just right.


Plus, its just plain cool to create your own weapons, right? Am I right? Hello . . .?

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