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functional cars to use!!!


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I think for begining it will be much more easier use a vertibird , not to fly but use your pipboy to call a pilot and he will land near by get in choose destination (alternative to fast travel) and he will land near by to your destination and get out. and maybe later make it avaible to help you in your outdoor cell fight with it firepower it may be cool. ;)
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There are actually car models in game (the tranquiltiy lane ones, which are coloured, jsut with a brown filter applied), but I think a motorbike would be a better choice of a ride. It would have a somewhat easier time of negoitaing the landscape, and could fit anywhere the player could. and there's the fact that there's things that could repair the broken motorbikes all over the wasteland.
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I still like my idea of a hoverboard using the robot's engine/fire animation for propulsion. It would be portable and can go anywhere you can go on foot.


If you have it "active" in your inventory (like holding it in a shield position) and press Jump, it activates. Jump again and jump off and start walking again. Would also need to handle being shot while riding it. I would think that any incoming fire would "knock" you off of the board (similar to jumping off but + knockdown to ground effect)



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A vertibird is unlikely cause the buildings have no roofs so unless anyone wants to put roofs on ALL the buildings or u can ignore it then thats fine, but ur better off using the enclave commander mod to use the vertibird for fast travel and support
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Who says we need doors for our cars? Doors only exist as a safety feature. The grim, dark, post-apocalyptic future has no need for such idealistic fancies!

That, and it's less work for the modder that's crazy enough to undertake the task of making a vehicle. Getting into the car would be pretty much the same as sitting in a chair without those pesky doors.

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