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Recreate Dwarven Mage Armor


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Hello guys. .. I've been editing this mesh (wip: https://www.mediafir...rimWIP.rar/file )for some quite time but I cant perfect it , I kinda messed up with the original dwarven armor mesh's shape so it is not a good idea to continue my wip at some point. . the original mod is https://www.nexusmod...kyrim/mods/6684 .. . I also posted it in the SSE mod request forum yesterday but i think there are more people around here than in SSE so i tried to post it here too

I want to remake this to not use invisible trick textures. . I've been trying to cut and reedit the mesh but still no luck.. . I tried to get cutted mesh from different armor mods but I still can't deal with the clippings


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the armor uses invisible texture trick which is in my opinion a little bit lazy and redundant


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I'm working on getting permission from hothtrooper44 but this is what I have so far: https://imgur.com/tvIG32F


All the bags are removeable, clipping should be minimized, male/female versions, and working weight slider. Now I'm working on my lease favorite part of this process which is the weighing of the outfit. I realize the original showed only a frontal chest dwarven plate, but with the way the textures work it will look incomplete and half done in the back and I'm not good enough at texture editing to mess with that.

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Woah thats so coooool!!!! how did you manage to make the bag leash look so good!?. .. You did a very good job!!! I hope you get the permission you need. .. for the texture part, I think the mesh should still look like that even when using the original vanilla textures. . .and for the weight part, I think I can help with the weight slider .. I just learned how to make it yesterday and It is working properly ingame. .. anyway the original mod is from rahman530 right? or did hothtrooper44 got the rights for it?


again, Thank you very much for the effort :)

Edited by CyranGE
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Bags were a lot of trial/error in outfit studio. At first, I was trying to make them bigger to go over the dwarven armor but it looked horrible. I finally hit upon the idea to separate all the various bags from the mesh and than manipulate them from there. Much easier to do.


Texture: well, I was trying to make it as close to the original per your request, and the original had the dwarven as a frontal/back piece with the sides exposed. However, the texture is a problem because it doesn't have any armor seams where I can delete the vertices along nicely so that's why I left the sides intact as oppose to deleting them.


I know how to make a weight slider. I made the tutorial video I linked to you lol.


What I meant by weighing was if you lift the arms/legs, does the mesh look alrite with that movement.


Rahman530 made it, but hothtrooper44 took over so I don't wanna step on any toes. Worst case scenario, if I can't get permission is that I'll link you to a download for personal use only.


Edit: I've decided if I can't get permissions, i'll probably just start over from scratch with completely vanilla meshes and work from there.

Edited by Dragoon23
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Oh i see i didnt notice that youre the one who gave me the link, i got confused because with the two active threads. . .anyways, yes, the original request had the dwarven as a frontal/back piece with the robe sides exposed, Im not sure if we are in the same page here butalso i tried cutting the dwarven mesh itself the result is not really good because the vertex is not in the exact position so i think it will look better if the dwarven armor sides intact. kBiKj4M.png



Edit: I just tried UV editing


Is this what you need?

Edited by CyranGE
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Sorry for the bumping post i just want to know how to close this thread since I already made my request. . it took me several days to finally finish it the way i want it. . trial and error is the best teacher


The next thing to do is retexture the cloth parts


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