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about g.e.c.k.


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So is g.e.c.k. gonna be like oobm utility ?

or is it gonna be like connstroktion set. (sorry for the bad english)

I found the oobm easy use and hope that the g.e.c.k is the same thing.

By the way i still have the TES connstruktion set on my pc, and i cant delet it, it wont just go, what to do??

thanks: migius.

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The G.E.C.K. will be very similar to the Elderscrolls CS (it is technically just a newer version of the same program). Unless they took the extra time to make it super fancy (I doubt it) it should work the same way as the TES CS.
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So no oobm kind of program, that is easy to activate mods then.

It is in the works: Fallout Mod Manager


FYI - The Oblivion version of the program is OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager)


As for the GECK, subscribe to the pinned topic if you want to know when it is available.



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