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Skyrim Console "help" Command


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When I use "help" in the console I can get dozens and dozens of results but I cannot scroll up, so most I cannot see.


Is there a way to display the results one "page" at a time, or to export the whole lot to a text file?






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You're suppose to be able to scroll with the page up or page down keys. But you can also narrow the search with ". For example, help "iron ingot" gives less returns then only help iron or help ingot.


I assume you have MFG console installed

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I know how to narrow the search, but I want to be able to:


a) display one page at a time,

b) or export to a text file.



I've never heard of MFG Console.

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You're suppose to be able to scroll with the page up or page down keys.


Hi, I tried again and PgUp and PgDn work!


I was sure I tried them before, along with the arrow keys, and nothing worked at all!



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