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Oblivion crashing at startup


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I had just recently activated a bunch of new mods when I tried running Oblivion and it crashed at startup. Okay, so I began deactivating each mod one by one to find out which was causing the crashes. In the end I deactivated every recently activated mod I'd downloaded and Oblivion still crashed at startup. I mean... what? Then I openned up the mod manager and ran Oblivion from there and with all deactivated mods reenabled, the game still ran successfully and I promptly exitted out of the game. Now I could run Oblivion from the obseloader-redirected shortcut on the desktop or from the mod manager itself. However something I had feared was that if I closed the mod manager, Oblivion would go back to crashing at startup, and I was right. The second I closed the mod manager, no amount of trying to run from the desktop shortcut or from the mod manager would get Oblivion to run normally and quite frankly I just want to play my game.


Here is my load order:



CM Partners.esm


Kvatch Rebuilt.esm



DesuChan's Store.esp




Arena No Raiment.esp


HUD Status Bars.esp

Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp




CM Partners.esp


DiabloEF 6 in 1.esp



CM Partners NPC NE.esp

DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - HeX NifSE Patch.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Horror Walkway.esp

Zombie Sanctuary.esp

Simple Dual Wielding.esp

Deco Dresses.esp



CT-Just Another Combatant.esp




Prettier Jensine.esp


Prettier Rohssan.esp

Guard's Ear.esp

Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 2.esp

Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 3.esp

Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 4.esp

Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 5.esp

Heroes of Cyrodiil.esp

Kvatch Rebuilt - Leveled Guards - FCOM.esp

Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility.esp

Kvatch Rebuilt.esp


OBSE Plugins:








Edited by DarkSpyda04
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Delete your oblivion.ini file in the Users\........\Documents\My Games\ Oblivion Folder. It worked for me.


Good luck




Tried it a dozen times; nothing. I was just about to go on a rampage with yet another handful of mods I downloaded, too. I was going to improve the immersion experience with distance blur, sun glare, transparent windows, etc. I have no idea what the problem could be. At this point I might as well reinstall the entire game and start tossing in the mods again but I don't want to do that. Afterall, it could happen again. I want to solve this pestilent problem once and for all; perhaps even get kvatch rebuilt working which had previously caused the same irritable crashes.


Another thing - you know what also causes crashes? Mixing options up in "graphics adapter and resolution" and the running Oblivion through obse_loader

Edited by DarkSpyda04
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Generally, if you add mods one or two at a time and test thoroughly in between it's a trivial thing to figure out what 'broke' your game. Of course mods that have requirements need to be added together as a group. Crashing on start-up is generally a sign of a missing master. Check your mod's requirements. You should also run BOSS and then build/rebuild your bashed patch (I see it sitting there in the middle of your 'load order', if in fact that is your load order). Seems to me that the DRSplatter.esp was not recommended (search the mod comments for posts by XTudo from a year or more ago, when he was helping out on the mod).
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Okay I used BOSS to sort out the load order and checked Wrye Bash to see which mods were causing problems. All in all I deleted the mods that were giving me issues as I didn't NEED them. Furthermore I cleared out any mods that I was no longer using and thankfully Oblivion seems to be running again although I'm sure I'll have the same issue many times in the near future. If it happens soon and Oblivion running was a sham like what happened with running with the mod manager open, I'll be sure to post here provided that I don't find a fix based on the information I've been provided. I'll also be a bit more careful with installing mods in the future.


Something that still bothers me is I don't know how to "merge" files or if there's even an option. Secondly I don't know what all this talk about right clicking and rebuilding bash patch is all about. I open up the mod manager, right click bash patch, and I don't one single option that reads "rebuild patch". All I get is "Move up", "Move down", "Activate All", etc.

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