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Sonic Weapons


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I've always been a huge fan of the Noise Marines from Warhammer 40k, and have never seen a game with weapons similar to theirs. To any who may not know, a Sonic Weapon is essentialy a device that fires focused sound at a fixed spot with the intent to disable or kill a target (depending if we're talking about military prototype weapons or crowd control stuff). The wikipedia info can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_weapon



I was thinking, the Mirelurk Kings have that wierd screech ability, and if you use the console you can get a skinless and texturess fatman that fires a similar effect and uses sonic ammo (which you have to cheat for as well). Everything is in the game already! All id like to see is for someone to take these effects, add in a siren or otherwise obnoxious noise when the gun fires and start popping people's heads with sound! Maybe use a laser pistol, rifle, or gattling skin instead, or even make a whole new skin for it based off of Noise Marine weapons such as the Blastmaster, or Doom Siren.

I wanna crank meh tunes in the waste and rattle some Radier skullz!

Let me know what you think.

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