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Holo the Wise Wolf Companion


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A while back I finished watching season 2 of 'Spice and Wolf' and i couldn't stop thinking about how brilliant Holo the Wise Wolf would be as a companion in Skyrim. You could use the voices from the series without the music in the background for the NPC, and perhaps discreetly make her a new race with the red Khajiit ears and a read wolf tail attached to the skeleton. It would be wise to make them smaller than they appear in the anime so she appears less out of place.

I would imagine that her combat styles of choice would be archery and daggers, but perhaps she could turn into a very large wolf when outside and do very large damage, but only once per day and when you ask her to.


I can imagine there would be some difficulty in doing so due to her unique appearance and the insertion of the voice from the English dub to the game, but I personally believe if done well Holo the Wise Wolf would make an excellent companion.


Here is an image for reference, please anyone who decides to take this up contact me, as i would love to hear from you.



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I do believe that using her voice from the anime is some sort of copyright issue. '___'


anyhow, there's already couple of races/things which would make this word quite "easy" to make. (minus the dialogue and scripted wolf transform thing)







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  • 1 year later...
I agree on the subject and I think it would be OK since it would be free and if you wanted to make her you would need someone with the right rigging software and someone who could use concept art as a bace to start the mod you should add the creators of the series and voice actors names in the credits of the mod also don't forget she can only transform when consuming wheat or drinking human blood as a sacrifice. That's about it.
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