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Massive FPS Drop When Turning/ No Detection of Graphics Card :(


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So I just picked up skyrim on sale for pc even though ive had it for ps3 since its release.


I jump into game on medium settings , the intro cutscene runs fine, and as soom as i make it into actual gameplay, my video gets extremely choppy every time i turn. It doesnt matter if im inside or outside, Im not running any mods, Ive tried running everything on low or off all together, and my stock skyrim is just completely uncooperative.


Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, i know my computer should be able to at least run this game half-assedly, its no custom gaming pc but ive not had a problem like this in any other game before.


Moving around it has no trouble rendering everything its only once i start turning that my fps drops drastically making the game borderline unlayable...


The only possible culprit i can fathom right now is when i am in the graphics settings for skyrim and use the dropdown menu for "graphics adapters" the only selectable option is "integrated intel HD graphics family" which is obviously not the installed graphics card...



i7-2720QM quad core @ 2.2


Radeon HD 6770M

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Have you applied all updates to Skyrim? The game seemed to ship broken for PC, it required at least the first patch in order to be at all playable for me. Allow Steam to update your files and then ask it to check your files and verify your cache.


If you've done those already you can try looking at this thread and seeing if any of the suggestions help you further.

Edited by Oubliette
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Hi, sorry about your troubles! I agree that if your game is not recognizing your drivers that could cause your problem.

Have you tried updating your drivers? Also, on steam under the help menu there is a "system information" button. If you click on it will scan your system and detect what you have-- running this after a driver update might help direct skyrim to the proper drivers.

I don't have Radeon, but I recall on Geforce drivers a bit ago, there was some problems with certain drivers running certain updates having problems similar to your. Maybe, if you already have the latest drivers, try rolling back to an older version to see if that makes a difference? Probably someone with your drivers can offer a bit more help, but I hope this may help a little.


Finally, disabling radial blur may reduce the problem while you are looking for a permanent fix.

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thanks for the help guys, unfortunately after a couple hours of messing with amd's site and downloading several "compatable" driver packages, I still have not found one that would install, they all say my software is incompatable :/


skyrim is definitely up to date but even steam itself isnt acknowledging my installed graphics card when i go to system properties in the help menu...


turning framerate improves in third person ironically, but not enough to disregard and obviously its not the way the game's meant to be played.


any ideas on getting steam/skyrim to see my graphics card? i was able to confirm the drivers are up to date using the device manager but disabling the integrated card just sent the whole computer to hell and resulted in skyrim competely refusing to boot up...

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