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msg box locational options?


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Is there a message item condition, or msg item condition + global variable I could use to prevent an option from displaying unless the player is within a few feet of an object reference?


Furthermore, what could I use to prevent the option(s) from showing up in the msg box popup, if say, I had two locations it could be displayed at, and it already selected at one, but I don't want it to display at the other?


Thanks..I'm gonna keep searching wikis and forums but thought I could use some input..

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Furthermore, what could I use to prevent the option(s) from showing up in the msg box popup, if say, I had two locations it could be displayed at, and it already selected at one, but I don't want it to display at the other?
Try setting a variable either to a number or to a bool value and check against that so that if set a certain way it won't trigger the message box option(s). If a local variable on the script doesn't work then you might need to consider setting up a global variable in the Creation Kit.


Is there a message item condition, or msg item condition + global variable I could use to prevent an option from displaying unless the player is within a few feet of an object reference?
Easiest method for me would be to put a trigger box around the area that I want the message box options to be displayable and if the message box script is already on a different object have the trigger box's script set a global variable to something when the player enters then the message box script will display those options since that global variable is true. Be sure to have the global variable reset on trigger leave so that it can work the next time.


There, of course, might be better methods but its at least a start

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Well, a trigger box with two scripts, one for entry and one for exit, worke perfectly to limit message options to a specific location. now, to experiment with globals. and multiple trigger boxes to only allow use of an option in one location at a Time...
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