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Questions about Failure to Log in and the Vortex API Key


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Some background.


Today I have been unable to log in to Vortex, even though I am logged in to Nexus Mods. This has never happened to me in the two years that I have used Vortex. Since this forum is not riddled with similar cries of distress, I have concluded that the problem is mine alone (or extremely limited in scope). To solve the problem, I have verified that my AV is not blocking the log in, that my browser is configured to handle mod manager downloads from Nexus Mods, and that port 443 is functioning properly (otherwise I could not access this forum). I also reinstalled Vortex (1.2.11). All to no avail.


API key questions.


Given the above I tried to log in to Vortex using the API key found in my profile on Nexus Mods. However, the key was rejected as invalid. Could "invalid key" mean that there was a connection failure to the API key server? Or is it possible that my API key is corrupted? (I say "my key" because I assume it is unique to me.) What would happen then if I used the "Regenerate key" button? Would that generate a new unique key that would then be valid?


Here is what I see when I try to log in to Vortex.








I need a translator for the error message. I do not speak TCP.


Any help would be appreciated.

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