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Dont go out at night! / Welcome to the real world!


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just 2 ideas for mods, which i thought Fo3 was lacking.


1. Don't go out at night!


With the lack of technology, knowledge of the outside world, companionship and ability to the see the surrounding area, i thought night time shoudlve been someone what of a nightmare. i wanted to be to scared to leave a town at night, just sleeping till morning so i could continue my adventure in safety. but no, the only difference was the lighting effects..


Proposal -


* if possible make a "clock" activated script that at night -

~ increases enemy's movement speed by 25%

~ increases enemy's dmg

~ increases enemy's ( if possible, more dogs etc )

~ decreases PC accuracy by 25%

~larger agro radius on enemy's, they see you before you see them.


While not making the game stupidly impossible, those few changes should make the game alot more interesting, and the player would benefit from hiding at night. the only enemy's that shouldn't benefit from such should be normal humans.




2.Welcome to the real world!


The overseer, as horrible as he was/is, had a point. born in the vault, die in the vault, why ? because the outside world is horrible. the outside world is full of people that would kill you for your shoes. the outside world has radiation everywhere. the outside world..well you get the picture.


Your father left the vault, and in turn the vault was over-ran by cockroaches. things from the outside world poured into the vault for food etc.


BUT, when you leave the vault, your greeted to... nothing. nope seems the overseer was an idiot, as you brisk fully run to your first way point in megaton, there's pretty much nothing. if u go the long way there's 2 giant ants, a flying bug, and 3 mole rats...

a pretty crappy anti-climax to start the game if you ask me..


Proposal -


~add roaches behind the vault door, so when its opened they rush in.

~add more roaches upon exit, a kinda ambush upon exiting from the few remaining roaches from the "invasion"

~add more "beasts" between vault exit and megaton surrounding area. ( yeah yeah megaton has a sheriff, but thats 1 man and a

couple of guards vs the 3 surrounding raider camps, doesn't make much sense does it ?" )





Both these ideas are to make a more immersion into the fallout world, from the moment you exit 101, your slapped in the race with how harsh this world really is. not the fact that its alot better then being beaten up by a couple of vault jockeys, because you've just entered paradise. there should be a feeling of regret to leaving the safe confines of the vault.


and the night mod adds a new element to the game, for us "role players", we'd have a tough choice on certain things, and more anxious game play. yeah i took the mission to go to super duper mart and loot it, BUT do i have enough time to loot + return here? or will i be stuck in a super market all night? were as the more gun jockey types will have an action packed adventure at night time, the idea, is that at night, you become the hunted.






Let me know what you guys think. ~ Syntax1985

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That's an awesome idea! Perhaps you could add some Vampires to the Night Time Element?


well the family seem pretty accustomed to night, they attack the village on the bridge ( forgot name ) at night and they live in a underground station.. lol. but you never see any of them free-roaming the wastes. well i havnt anyway.


so they would actually convert really well into "only comes out when the sun is down" type of enemy.

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so they would actually convert really well into "only comes out when the sun is down" type of enemy.


I don't understand that line, are you saying they would be a good idea, or not? I don't mind either way...


And yeah, perhaps not in the wastes... But DC? C'mon, they can hide in the buildings in day-time.

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I don't understand that line, are you saying they would be a good idea, or not? I don't mind either way...


And yeah, perhaps not in the wastes... But DC? C'mon, they can hide in the buildings in day-time.



Was saying its a good idea, they only come out at night time. which the basis of the mod was to make night-time more scary and tough to survive, so bringing in the family at night would be a great way to do that.


DC is a good point, but seeing as they hide in underground train tunnels, they pretty much have full access to the waste land in theory.

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I don't understand that line, are you saying they would be a good idea, or not? I don't mind either way...


And yeah, perhaps not in the wastes... But DC? C'mon, they can hide in the buildings in day-time.



Was saying its a good idea, they only come out at night time. which the basis of the mod was to make night-time more scary and tough to survive, so bringing in the family at night would be a great way to do that.


DC is a good point, but seeing as they hide in underground train tunnels, they pretty much have full access to the waste land in theory.


Yeah, but that would be REALLY scary... Just go to DC and get swarmed by them without expecting it.

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Nice ideas here. F3 sure does need some better lifecycle-scripts for npcs and enemies. For the Living Wastelands mod i've been thinking of letting the ghouls come out and hunt/pillage at night. That will give people some real reason to distrust 'em ;).
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I say it would be logical if nighttime would be more dangerous, just adding some raiders that only spawn at night etc. should do the trick... also, darker nights mod makes things more scary.


But it's as much a tactical disadvantage for them as it is for you, isn't it? If the local wildlife and ghouls ran free at night I'd be quite content to sit my happy *self* in a fortified camp and wait to raid until the morning.

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