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Marriage and adoption


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Would it be strange for an Orc to marry say another Orc or dark elf and then adopt nord or imperial kids? I think it would but what if he married a nord or imperial wife instead would that make things a bit better?
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I think in your game you can do whatever you feel like! :thumbsup:


and i see no reasen for it to be strange, in RL similer mixes (sort of) happens al the time :smile:



go for it! :laugh:

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I've never put any restrictions on my characters relationships. My Altmer slave owning necromancer has been in love with the same Khajiit (magically resurrected a few time :facepalm: ) and fully plans on adopting lots of Argonian kids. For some reason she finds Argonians adorable :rolleyes:


My Bosmer assassin, married a Nord and adopted several Nord children, several hundred years ago - she's been kicking herself for that for quite a while. They aged and died long before her time. She won't be making the same 'mistake' again but the aging issue is the only one I'd really worry about considering.


Whatever makes you and your characters happy :thumbsup:

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i think the beast races should stick to mating with their own races, its not even cross-breeding its like a human having babies with a humanoid lizard and seeing as they lay eggs im not sure how being with a human or cat for the matter would work..
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i think the beast races should stick to mating with their own races, its not even cross-breeding its like a human having babies with a humanoid lizard and seeing as they lay eggs im not sure how being with a human or cat for the matter would work..


The only beast races you can marry are orc and argonian.

Are you saying that my Orc should go Marry an argonian?

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Bandits could rob your farm or skeevers infest your house and kill you in the night. Giants with mammoths could stampede your house like insignificant shrubbery. Bloody dragons could raze your village. Imperials chop your head off just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Life is short, so marry whomever you find - provided they have a proper pulse and they can willingly say yes - and raise whatever babies need a home rather than let them wander around like feral animals. Neither you nor your partner may survive long enough to even make/have a baby, if you both even can, so adopt away.
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