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Cant find keyword on power armor Omod while in workbench

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I'm trying to listen for a certain object mod being added to my power armor while im in the power armor workbench menu.


not sure of the best way to do it.


This is what i have so far...

(this script is attatched to a refrence alias in a quest)

("TESTKWD" keyword is attached to an object mod that is crafted in the power armor workbench)

Scriptname MPA_KWDTEST extends ReferenceAlias

Keyword Property TESTKWD Auto
Keyword Property powerArmorFurnitureKW Auto

Event OnInit()

Event OnTutorialEvent(String asEventName, Message aMessage)
    if asEventName == "PowerArmorWorkbenchEntered"
        Debug.Notification("Entered workbench")

    if asEventName == "moddingSuccess"
        Debug.Notification("modding sucess")

        ObjectReference[] nearbyPowerArmors = Game.GetPlayer().FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(powerArmorFurnitureKW, 200.0)
	If nearbyPowerArmors.Length > 0
	    ObjectReference nearestPowerArmor
	        float fnearestDistance = 9999.0
	        int i = 0
	      while (i < nearbyPowerArmors.Length)
	        float fcurrentDistance = Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(nearbyPowerArmors[i])
	      if( fcurrentDistance < fnearestDistance )
	        nearestPowerArmor = nearbyPowerArmors[i]
		fnearestDistance = fcurrentDistance
		i = i + 1

                If nearestPowerArmor.HasKeyword(TESTKWD)
                    Debug.Notification("TESTKWD Found!")

im not getting the "modding succsess" debug, and im not getting the "TESTKWD Found" debug either.



Anyone know how i can listen for my keyword/Omod being added to the power armor?

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When the power armor is in the workbench, the powerArmorFurnitureKW gets removed, so instead you might want to find the workbench and check if that has your keyword, as I believe the "workbenchKeyword" gets added to the power armor itself making it a workbench.

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I'm not sure...see if you can get it from other workbench types (the "moddingsuccess" debug I mean), maybe it doesn't get sent from power armor workbenches or something. Also, I've had trouble before with getting certain tutorial events to fire, mainly "PowerArmorWorkenchExited", I may have done it wrong when I tried...but I could not get that to fire, ever. You could also try OnPlayerModArmorWeapon event instead, though I'm not sure if that would do exactly what you want.


Because I couldn't get "PowerArmorWorkenchExited" to fire before, I instead used:




bool InWorkbench = False

Event Actor.OnPlayerUseWorkBench(Actor akSender, ObjectReference akWorkBench)

If (akWorkBench.HasKeyword(AnimFurnWorkbenchPowerArmor))

     If (InWorkbench == False)

         InWorkbench = True

         RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerModArmorWeapon")

     ElseIf (InWorkbench == True)

             InWorkbench = False

             UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerModArmorWeapon")







It's not perfect and could be done better I'm sure but it always fired on Enter/Exit, and the "OnPlayerModArmorWeapon" always fired when I created or attached a mod to the frame.


(The above was attached to a quest by the way.)



Edit: Also you might want to try ""ModdingSuccess", but I don't know if the capitalization matters, that's just how the wiki spells it.

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