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creating or changing characters


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I think the best resource for you is http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Main_Page and the use of your preferred search engine. In addition to the wiki, there are youtube videos and individual/personal tutorials available that aren't in the wiki that show how to use the toolset and do what you want to do. I could type for hours answering your question and never touch the quantity and quality of what others have already done.


Welcome to modding! :biggrin: It is a LOT of work to learn, but I enjoy it.

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Nice try, but I may be older than you are. And if not, they say that staying mentally active delays the onset of dementia. So you owe it to yourself to figure it out :dance:


Head morphs are actually very easy to do. I always suggest that people new to the toolset start with head morphs because they are so easy. What is the worst that can happen? You make a really ugly head morph that you delete before anyone sees it. ;)


Modding isn't for everyone. If you don't think you would enjoy it, then don't start. There are a lot of equipment and appearance mods on Nexus that you can enjoy without learning to use the toolset.

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a little over 50. However, early onset dementia runs in one side of my family. Yes, so I have an excuse! Kidding aside, it means that I've done a little more research than typical.


If you decide to give a shot at the toolset to create head morphs, I suggest installing some of the appearance mods so that you can figure out the xml files and how to get them compiled into one file.


If you don't want to give the toolset a shot, http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1692 and http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3263 as two of my favorite sites for head morphs. You'll still have to install some of the appearance mods, but they'll tell you which ones in various readme files.

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Aww you guys are great! I just turned 48 three days ago. I dont feel so bad now. Lol as for where to find the characters and such, all living things in the toolset are under the creature button in the pallet window. You can change their armor and morphs there. I would highly recommend if you arent sure of what you're doing that only open local copies. It will only save for that session but you are less likely to break your game that way. Just be sure you export before you close the toolset. I started out small with making my own armor items. Now I'm working on my own standalone. Warning, the toolset is addictive! Lol
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