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Hello, to start off I'll just list these mods. Apachii sky hair. Better females. CBBE. Remodeled armor for CBBEv3 bodyslide and bbp. Thalmor viceroy inquisitors cloths. All of these mods are VERY well known besides the Thalmor cloths. CBBE and Better females are the must haves for any female character. (That wants to look overly beautiful) This is only five mods... I'm not sure whats causing the crashes. Some of you might tell me to enable them one by one and see which is causing the crashes but to be honest these mods are pretty essential the only other body mod i know of thats good is cherry hotaling's and the only thing that is adjustable is the weight. I'm sure someone knows what is causing these. And by just leaving your input on what you might even think could be rong I would be very thankful.
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Either something's messed up with bbp or the Thalmor clothes have a problem with the bbp skeleton. I'm leaning towards the former unless other non-bbp clothing options also cause you to crash.
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Either something's messed up with bbp or the Thalmor clothes have a problem with the bbp skeleton. I'm leaning towards the former unless other non-bbp clothing options also cause you to crash.

Yes i read the FAQ on CBBE saying one of the causes is or can be not having the skeleton to go with it. I'm new to modding if you have any idea on where i can find one?

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