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The picture and the save game are different in Skyrim SE using Vortex 1.2.11.


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[Please help as when I posted the following on the Vortex support site, Zanderat replied: "Not a Vortex issue. I would ask on the SSE support forums."]

Starting a week or so ago, when I save, then go back to load the save, the picture is from the previous save, even though the description is correct and it goes to the correct save.

When I go back in time and find a save that matches, when I save a new save, it is back to being the wrong picture.

I have tried installing over Vortex and in Steam verifying the integrity of my files.

If I do showracemenu, then when I exit, to save, it starts over with save 1, it is correct, but as soon as I save a second save, the picture is from the previous save.

I am not sure if this was happening before i got updated to Vortex 1.2.11.

I have been using Vortex for with no problems since last year.

FYI: Before Zanderat, I got this response from Gorsha: "Yep, I've got that too, but only ingame, not in the save tab from Vortex. So i don't think it is vortex related. Or we have different glitches with the same way to notice it."

...and my response was this:

"Yeah, mine is ingame.

What is the "save tab" in Vortex?

If Vortex isn't running and I launch my game from the SE folder, I still have the problem, but all my mods I set up with Vortex are still there, so it seems that Vortex is somehow involved, but I'm not smart enough to know.

Whether it is Vortex related or not, does anyone have any idea how to fix this?"

And I didn't mention on Vortex forum. I started a brand new character and I have the same problem....Any ideas??


New info: I had my "Save Games" "tab" in Vortex filtered, when I removed the filters, it showed my saves, and even there, the screenshot is from the previous save. So I'm hoping there is a way to sync the save with the correct screenshot....

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LOL I fixed it!!!


I found the fix on steamcommunity.com by using MFG*


I was hot and heavy recently trying to properly set up a new ENB and someone suggested to turn antialiasing off. Well, son of a b...er...gun, guess what I read:


Originally posted by ilhe:
Fixed it by changing antialiasing from Off to TAA. Then tested with FXAA, and the bug appeared again. It seems, only TAA really works. Well, at least if someone else runs into the same problem they will know what's causing it.

"wow.. you are a life saver!! I was running FXAA all the time. Now, turned it to TAA...and BOOM! problem gone!
But that is kinda weird that anti aliasing could affect the engine into taking incorrect screenshots. Bethesda should really get the basics correct."


I changed mine to TAA, and now I can save correctly!!! Makes NO sense!! I was uninstalling my recently installed mods one at a time, LOL




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Kudos to you for posting how you fixed it.

I do not have this particular problem, but so many times I've googled a solution, only to be led to a thread where someone describes the exact problem I'm having, only to follow up with a post that says, "nvm fixed."


Someday, this will help someone else.

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Or you could use SSE Engine fixes which is always a good idea (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=description):



SaveScreenshots (default: true) - Fixes save game screenshots being blank when TAA is disabled.


Wow! That worked!! So if anyone does want antialiasing off for best performance, this is the way to go! Plus what an extensive list of other fixes that I now am incorporating in my game! Thanks Shabdez!

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  • 11 months later...

Wow, the original help request was from almost exactly a year ago and I'm experiencing the same problem but neither of the solutions are working! Please Help!


When I save, then go back to load the save, the picture is from the previous save, even though the description is correct and it goes to the correct save.

To confuse things worse, seemingly randomly it will be a blank screenshot.


The 2 fixes from before aren't helping for some reason.

1 go to options and change to TAA (which I was already on)

2 use "SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)" parts 1 and 2, which I was already using. ( I verified part 2 was present and I reinstalled part 1, and I verified "SaveScreenshots = true" in "EngineFixes.toml", and I tried disabling TAA.


I'd really appreciate any help of suggestions on what to try!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, the original help request was from almost exactly a year ago and I'm experiencing the same problem but neither of the solutions are working! Please Help!


When I save, then go back to load the save, the picture is from the previous save, even though the description is correct and it goes to the correct save.

To confuse things worse, seemingly randomly it will be a blank screenshot.


The 2 fixes from before aren't helping for some reason.

1 go to options and change to TAA (which I was already on)

2 use "SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)" parts 1 and 2, which I was already using. ( I verified part 2 was present and I reinstalled part 1, and I verified "SaveScreenshots = true" in "EngineFixes.toml", and I tried disabling TAA.


I'd really appreciate any help of suggestions on what to try!



I also have this problem. I am using both TAA in launch settings and SSE Engine Fixes + SaveScreenshots enabled. We need more assistance as those previous fixes aren't helping us!

Edited by Visoth
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  • 2 weeks later...

My game has been doing this for months. I thought it might be related to using Fallrim tools to clean saves, since it makes copies, and might confuse whatever creates/associates that screenshot with a save. I don't consider it enough of a problem to spend any time on it though. I haven't noticed any blank ones, and I was under the impression that it's always off by one, but I'm not sure.

Edited by blitzen
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  • 3 months later...

Bumped in this bug today. Noticed that is seems screenshot in save always shows picture from previous save.
Google gives nothing except stuff about TAA and engine fix mod, which is fixing that TAA bug that cause picture being black, but not this bug make picture different from actual save.

And i didn't noticed this bug before, and then remembered what i changed recently - I've set Background FPS in Nvidia driver settings (Nvidia panel) to 20. Reverting this to "off" fixed problem with pictures.

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