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Sigil Stone Light Beam Spell


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I was wondering if anybody has the ability to make a spell out of SigilLightTowerActive (or another such light beam). I wish to make the beam track a player and damage when hit, like a laser beam. If this is possible, you would make my final quest waaaaaay cooler. I wish to use this in my mod Castle Tharnstein. You can see where the sigil stone will be placed here:








The stone will be placed in the center of the white spikey things, in the holder. I wish to make it fire the spell until tethered to a great welkyn stone below it. If such a spell exists, please let me know!!!


The fire effect:








It is the beam which I want to move. I would make it move with scripting if I could do the math, but I'm not smart enough to do that either.

Edited by theuseless
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The scripting for Gareth's beam spell in Knights of the Nine Revelation uses this exact concept. Feel free to reverse engineer it, or get someone else to. :)


Basically here's the rough order of what happens:


Gareth casts a dummy spell on himself.

The scripted effect makes him hold a particular casting pose.

The activator is moved to his position.

Any creature that triggers the activator is treated to some nice damage. :)


Note also that the activator was modified from the original so that it would look good positioned horizontally (and again, feel free to grab it).

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Sah-weet! Thanks so much for allowing me to reverse engineer it. It looks like I am going to have to play more of that mod :teehee: Awesome as that mod is, I just haven't had too much time to play, mod and draw. A million thanks and I wish I could add kudos multiple times!!! I will read your credits and make sure that all authors who contributed to the spell get mention in mine!
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