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CK importing probloms


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That's the most f*cked up .nif i've EVER seen...and trust me, i've seen many :D


Just compare it to an original weapon:




...this can't work. I can't explain the whole thing atm, got to go to bed but you really have to understand the structure before you copy/paste random stuff. All your blocks need to be placed INSIDE 0 BSFadeNode, yours are next to it on the same level, not connected.


BSLightingShaderProperties and NiTriShapeData have to be inside NiTriShape blocks, you might even remove the bones from the bow since this is a static rigid weapon like a sword and not a bow and maaany other things, quite impossible to explain/fix all errors.


Maybe you should start with easier stuff like merging only two sword meshes while keeping the block structure.

Edited by ghosu
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Yes...with the CK you can make the weapon standalone, you should check out both tutorial thread stickies in the MOD TALK section or google/youtube. Or my weapon tutorial in my signature, i think part4 is 'bout CK import...in this case it's with a sword, but a bow is quite the same. Edited by ghosu
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