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Civil War In Skyrim - A Bigger Picture


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A note before beginning:


This document was borne out of the interesting discussion that arose from this topic: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/869300-why-you-should-join-the-stormcloaks/

I suggest at least skimming through that topic before reading this document. This document was written from the perspective of my character in Skyrim, and I have done my best to write it truly "in character" in the style of official ES lore. It may not be perfect, and some errors in grammar may exist. But please take it for what it is, and it is my hope a lively discussion arises from it. It was very fun to write, and I may look at writing more like it in the future! A .pdf of this document can be made available should anyone desire.


Foreword acknowledgements:


http://uesp.net/ - for providing an easy-to-access official lore-base





Civil War in Skyrim

A Bigger Picture

Ayleth Sa’Aneid, 4E 201


There is very little question that these are difficult times for all of Tamriel. Not since the terrible Oblivion Crisis has such adversity bore down upon the heads of we who call these varied lands our homes. Though the roots of our troubles snake into the past many decades the tree which grew from such poisonous roots is what we have harvested in this fourth era. The recent birth of civil war between Ulfric Stormcloak of Skyrim and the Empire has thrown much chaos, fear, and bitterness into the already putrid soup that has been prepared over the past several decades in Tamriel.


Yet I have come to realize there is a pressing question that continues to arise in various forms as I take stock of the current state of affairs in this land; the question being is this foolish civil war truly the result of irreconcilable differences between two parties, or is it the planned machinations of the Aldmeri Dominion?




Naturally such a wildly bold statement will cause a stir in the hearts and minds of those of who read it. The very thought that the Aldmeri Dominion could be so far-reaching, so clairvoyant about the future that even through their apparent defeat at the Battle of the Red Ring they could somehow grasp at any sort of victory is appalling and will sit bitterly on the minds of many in Tamriel. However an examination of the Aldmeri Dominion as a ruling entity would seem to suggest that in fact such clairvoyance on their part would be a possibility.


There can be very little question that while violent, honour-less, racist, and completely reprehensible on a moral level the Aldmeri Dominion are brilliant tacticians in both politics and bloodshed (indeed many would argue the two fields are not far removed from each other). Traditionally the Thalmor were a minority race in the Summerset Isle, although indeed still powerful. During the Oblivion Crisis the Crystal Tower found itself forced to give the Thalmor more power in order to save the island from the Oblivion Gates. While this had the desirable effect of saving Summerset Isle, it also placed the Thalmor in the extremely favorable position to utilize their success in saving Summerset to make a grab for power. This they did, and in 4E 22 the Thalmor seized control of Summerset and renamed it Alinor. Soon after in 4E 29 the government of Valenwood was overthrown by Thalmor collaborators and joined force with Alinor (previously Summerset). Through this it was revealed that before the Oblivion Crisis even began the Thalmor had forged alliances with certain Bosmeri factions, catching the Empire and its Bosmer allies completely off-guard when the attacks came. With precision timing Altmer forces flooded into Valenwood after the coup and crushed the Empire and Bosmer forces within, thus birthing the Aldmeri Dominion. In the decades that followed the Aldmeri Dominion ceased all contact with the Empire as it consolidated and built its power in Summerset and Valenwood. In 4E 98 the moons Masser and Secunda vanished. While this caused fear and panic in the Empire, the land of Elsweyr fared much worse as the Khajit hold the moons as integral to their culture. After two days the moons returned, and the Aldmeri Dominion claimed that their magical power had caused them to once again grace the night sky. Elsweyr, entranced by such apparent power and regarding the Adlmeri Dominion as saviors, eventually broke free from the Empire and joined the Aldmeri Dominion. The Aldmeri Dominion had proved once again that political maneuverings and foresight were fearsome weapons in their hands.


The next decades are well known to most; the Aldmeri Dominion cut a bloody swath across the weakening Empire after Titus Mede II’s rejection of the ultimatum presented by the Aldmeri Dominion. Many lives were lost, along with great tracts of Imperial land, and for all intents and purposes it was a victory for the Aldmeri Dominion. Yet Titus Mede II proved his mettle as a leader and managed to rally his disparate troops and re-gain control of much of the land lost and brought the Aldmeri Dominion to the point of signing the White Gold Concordant, a treaty that brought peace at a great cost. Talos worship was outlawed, the Blades disbanded, and a large portion of southern Hammerfell given over to the Aldmeri Dominion. While these terms were in fact nearly identical to the terms presented by the Aldmeri Dominion before the war, several things had changed in the hearts and minds of the Imperial people during the war. This is what we will explore in the next section.


War, Always War


When Titus Mede II ascended to the throne he inherited a weakened Empire that was slowly dying off. His father Titus Mede had failed to destroy the Aldmeri Dominion when he had the chance and left the consequences of that failure to his son. When the Thalmor ambassador initially made those demands of Titus Mede II there was indeed no option that would benefit the Empire. If Titus Mede II had accepted the Thalmor demands, civil war would have exploded throughout the Empire and would have decimated what little Empire remained. Of course the rejection of the demands also meant war, a war, which Titus Mede II’s generals had warned him the Empire was ill prepared to fight. A rock and a hard place was where Titus Mede II found himself that fateful day, and he made the only decision that seemed right: rejection of the demands.


Many critics after the White Gold Concordant was signed pointed out that the Aldmeri Dominion got what they desired in the end, and they would be correct. However a question to ask would be what would have been worse; war with the Thalmor, or war within the Empire? Civil war tears apart a nation, yet war with an outside invading force causes a nation to come together against a common foe. Titus Mede II chose the option that would hold the Empire together for a little while longer, war with the Aldmeri Dominion. After a bitter conflict the Aldmeri Dominion was driven from the Empire and it seemed that the Empire sustained a victory. Yet the future would bring to mind the question of whether the Empire truly tasted victory at the end of the conflict, or did the Aldmeri Dominion receive what they desired?


In All Things, Patience


The Aldmeri Dominion had proved itself to be an immensely patient force, waiting decades as it set into place countless treaties, favor, and political webs. When they finally did strike in force their years of planning and patience brought them great victory, a victory that goes beyond the mere taking of the Imperial City. The Thalmor as a race are motivated on an ideological scale, which makes them more dangerous than a race motivated by power or greed. The destruction of non-elven races, especially the race of man, is central to the heart of the Thalmor people. They believe themselves to be superior to all others and will not be content with the servitude of the other races, but instead their destruction is what the Thalmor seek.


Critics claim that Titus Mede II should have agreed to the ultimatum presented by the Aldmeri Dominion before the war. Being in the present and judging the past is a simple game, and one that many enjoy playing. In the moment situations are never as crystal-clear as those who criticize Titus Mede II claim, among these especially being the Stormcloaks and their leader Ulfric Stormcloak. If Titud Mede II had accepted the ultimatum the Empire would have been thrown into chaos. The people would not have understood that signing the ultimatum at that moment would have been the most beneficial option, they would have instead seen Titus Mede II as weak-willed and too eager to bow to the Aldmeri Dominion. Civil war would have most certainly erupted, and that claim is made with the utmost confidence when the motivations behind the current civil war between the Stormcloaks and the Empire are taken into consideration. As the war drew to a close between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire, the people were very ready to accept nearly any deal required to bring the bloodshed to a close. So Titus Mede II accepted the White Gold Concordant, a treaty that sowed the seeds of civil conflict within the Empire.


Thus the purpose of this document is brought to a head, to bring to mind the notion that this entire dreadful saga is one that the Aldmeri Dominion directed in order to bring about a long-term effect. The Empire is without question divided and disparate; with Hammerfell distrustful and Skyrim in total revolt the future of the Empire is very grim indeed. Then does the question again bubble to the surface of this bitter soup: was this outcome the Aldmeri Dominions plan all along? We have previously established the Aldmeri Dominion are brilliant tacticians on and off the field of battle, and they fight on ideological grounds based on their self-assurance as the supreme race. They will not be satisfied until they have conquered and vanquished every race they deem unworthy to share Tamriel with.


About The Future


One day Aldmeri troops will storm the borders of what few nations the Empire has left; but they will not do so until they are completely confident in total victory. With this civil conflict bringing to light the brooding discontentment amongst the remaining Imperial lands, it is an excellent time to answer the question: are we as an Empire falling precisely where the Aldmeri Dominion desires? As internal conflict further weakens the tenuous grip on power the Empire currently holds it is a question that must be answered with the utmost haste. Past experience proves the Aldmeri Dominion excels at navigating the various nations in the directions that benefit the Thalmor race and ensure future control. Thus a question that should reign obvious in the minds of every resident of Tamriel who would one day find themselves under the terrible thumb of the Aldmeri Dominion should be: where is the Aldmeri Dominion navigating the Empire?


The answer to that question lies beyond the scope of this document, and finds itself in the hearts of every person of every race in Tamriel. It is a question that must be answered with the utmost of haste, lest the residents of this land soon find themselves under sword and fire of a hateful nation.





This document would have never been possible without Legate Justianus Quintius’ excellent work “A Concise Account of the Great War Between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion”

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