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Help needed, FOSE won't start


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It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, anyway I reinstalled it (GOTY, with patch 1.7 from Bethesda's website), disabled DLCs, removed Games For Windows Live, added some mods, and it works fine... without FOSE. With FOSE, it won't start. The log file says:


launching: Fallout3.exe (C:\Games\Fallout3\Fallout3.exe)
crc = 4614F449
You have the original retail version of Fallout. Please patch it to the latest version available from www.bethsoft.com.
checksum not found

But the game IS patched and fose is installed in Fallout's main directory (not Data).


I tried with administrator/compatibility mode, UAC off, nothing seems to work. Googled and searched the forums, cannot find a working solution...


*** Ok, if others have the same problem here's how I fixed it:


the problem was, I used a 4GB patch before applying the official patch, so fallout3.exe wasn't updated to 1.7 and FOSE would recognize it as unpatched (retail version). I simply restored the fallout3.exe (there was a backup in Fallout's directory) and re-applied the official patch. Now FOSE works fine :)

Edited by valus_22
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