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game crashes when i change sex with new game


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Are you using a lot of hair packs and/or a mod that adds a lot of tint masks (makeup options generally)?


Post your load order and any decent sized texture packs or textures that affect females if you don't mind.

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oblivion hair.esp





basvanbeu muscletexturechanger with navetsea set.esp


I believe I have more but I am not sure by the names.

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That many hair options would definitely cause your game to crash. It is too much for the game to load up at one time. Try limiting yourself to just one hair mod. Test the hairs out. If you don't like them then try one of the others. If you need some of those hair mods for other mods (i.e. followers or something) then you can activate them after creating your character.
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How many hair mods would you consider I should drop to?

So I got rid of a few of my hair mods, and now I can't change race without the game crashing, is this the same type of error, and I need to get rid of some more hair mods, or something else?

Edited by diminishedtob
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What I ended up doing was to create a preset for my character and then include the individual hair that I wanted. While my switch from male to female had been sluggish with the hair mod it suddenly became a near instant transistion.


It all depends on what your system can handle. Another tip would be to deactive any mod not necessary for the creation of your character. The goal is to reduce how much crap gets loaded into memory so that more crap can get loaded for your char gen experience.

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I had this problem before. Besides cutting down on your hair packs, my solution was I had to uninstall Auto-Equip Arrows, Shooting Stars and SkyBirds. After that I was able to create a female during the Helgen sequence. Or you could try Live Another Life.
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