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mods downloading compleate falsely


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having issues why and how to resolve it? when i try to download any mods they go from 1% to compleate but they are crupted not downloaded compleate how do i fix this anyone thanks i use internet exploreor on windows 7 and sharing wireless and java i have no idia. Edited by stacymartin
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That is not a lot of information to go on. How are you downloading? NMM? Browser? Do you have javascript enabled? The more information you can supply, the more likely you will get meaningful help.
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The usual culprit for incomplete or corrupted downloads is a poor or overtaxed internet connection. I've had that exact thing happen to me if I attempt to download while the kids are for example playing WOW. Last time when I was trying to DL the newest update to UL Eastern Peaks. The DL progressed to I think 48%...and then poof it was done. But when I tried to unzip, it was incomplete.


Tried again twice more and similar behavior. Once the kids were offline it DLd with no problem. Just a possibility...and may be something else in your particular case...but thought it was worth mentioning.

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