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Beast skelton


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ops, i misunderstud (unlike the tastes, my english is more than questionable :psyduck: )


really this one could be a good idea.. and it would serve to gave up mods no longer supported and\or buggy one (such dovahkiin hideout, whom was my favorite[and only] house mod.. but now it doesn't work anymore because of heartfire :facepalm: )

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I first saw this mod as one of the 'hot files'. I checked it out, got interested, then read the comments as I always do when looking at a new mod. As soon as I saw poor little mod author wasn't getting his ego stroked enough I lost interest. I *had* been planning to track it for future use when I get back into Skyrim (currently running around the Wasteland). The mod looks like a neat idea and also looks to be really well done, but this is along the same vein as that OTHER mod that the author wanted to be paid for maintaining it...this guy just wants to be paid in adulation instead of cash.


PROTIP: Make a mod for yourself first, then share it if you want.

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PROTIP: Make a mod for yourself first, then share it if you want.

^^^ THIS!


Gosh guys! has to be cool to be like you... Just try to be a little less strict with common mortals :biggrin:


I completly disagreed such philosophy, it seem self-referential and a bit haughty..


anyway everyone has the right to have his own opinion

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I haven't checked out the mod myself, but I think some of you are taking it to the extreme by un-endorsing his mod just because he's attention seeking.


If you thought his mod deserved an endorsement, then it still does. I don't see how his personality should influence your opinion on the mod. You're not endorsing the mod author, you're endorsing the mod.

Let's turn it around. Would you endorse a crappy mod just because the author happens to be a great guy?


Let him be a drama queen. Why would you care? By un-endorsing him for that, you're just feeding the drama anyway.

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That one guy managed to agree with opposing sides of an argument.


The magical power of logic! It's great.


But yeah, if I find a mod I think is awesome, then it's awesome. Doesn't matter what the author does so long as they release it and people enjoy it.

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