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Help for a newb?


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I'd suggest getting in touch with the creator of the Interesting NPCs mod--it adds a lot of voiced NPCs to the world. They're always looking for new talent, and there are often roles of different sizes so you could start with something small, with the possibility to add more lines later if you like the role.


More generally, a good place to look for casting calls in Elder Scrolls game mods is the TES Alliance Voice Actors Project.

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Being 14 is actually great for quite a few roles I'd imagine. :thumbsup:


Depends on your voice. I would recommend putting your voice on youtube or soundcloud to get some more notice. If you are really into voice acting then this is a great place to earn some cred and experience. As recommended, TESAlliance is a place we modders tend to go when we need voice actors desperately/regularly. Best of luck. :) I love to keep willing voice actors around on my friendslist though on either Steam or Skype (pref, skype). Private message me if you'd like to talk, and maybe something can be worked out or at the very least I'm always looking for second opinions/feedback.

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