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Two problems, not game breaking, so far.


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So, I like many others got the ulimate edition on steam a few days ago and installed some of my favorite old mods as well as new ones.


So far, I've been happy and ok with what I've installed except for two minor problems.


Number one is that some items, MOSTLY accessories but some other items as well have a missing (gray) icon instead of their picture. It doesn't affect the game, the stats are still applied as well as the graphics in-game if it has any.

Number two is Duncan's sword behind his right shoulder is just missing. The in-game convos and exploration mode he uses it just fine, it just simply has no graphic/texture/model.


Notable mods, JB3, DA: Redesigned, Vibrant Colors, Combat Tweaks, Improved Atmosphere.


Appreciate any help into solving these.

Edited by flandy
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An update to Duncan's missing sword. I just installed Adonnay's Weapon Replacer and his sword is still missing, although the mod is installed correctly (his off hand and other's are all changed.)


So something is literally overriding the..override.

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... So something is literally overriding the..override.

So that means, "some other mod". :tongue:


Haha yea, however, it makes me curious since, AWR was the last installed mod shouldn't it take precedence and therefore display the "new" sword?

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There is no such thing as "load order" for mods with the Dragon Age-series.


The Eclipse game engine actually uses a fairly straight-forward search routine to check for "override" files, and it's strictly "alpha-numeric by folder/filename".


So if you have sub-folders "\Mod-1", "\Mod-2" and "\Mod-3", each with a file that changes the same particular element, only the one in folder "Mod-1" will be found and used, regardless of the file names.


Similarly, if there are two files in the same folder that change the same element, the first one alpha-numerically will be used.


(But remember, in your particular case there are both "items" and "textures" involved. It sounds like it might be a problem of missing textures.)

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  • 3 months later...

I found a fix on my setup. I am using the 2.0 beta version.


Turns out there are TWO files for Duncan's Longsword (the item that is invisible). The file is called "kcc_im_wep_mel_lsw_dun.uti" that seem to cause the conflict.



I fixed my problem by deleting the kcc_im_wep_mel_lsw_dun.uti file contained in the following path;

  • Improved Atmosphere\7. Extras\7.1. Modified Items\UTI\Armors, Weapons


I did NOT delete the file of the same name located in the following path;

  • Improved Atmosphere\1. Global\1.4. Items\UTI\Armors, Weapons


I found it by searching the entire "Improved Atmoshphere" for "dun" - I noticed two a files that looked suspect, some trial and error helped me determine the correct file causing issue. The Read Me isn't as clear as it could be for lazy, but technical minded folks like me, but it was enough to give me a hint as to the cause.


I hope this helps someone out there!


P.S. If you are missing icons, install the ICON PROJECT - another fix that I didn't find mentioned in the mod posted on Nexus. http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/826

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