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Little rituals


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Do you guys have any kind of "rituals" in game? For example, in my current playthrough, every time I kill a named dragon (Mirmulnir, Saloknir) I craft a dragonbone weapon (or shield) named after it! How about you? Any habbits you do all the time in game?
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I do something similar to that, when i kill a named dragon I get armor set (Be it from mods or from vanilla game) that represents that Dragon or at least i try. If we take the souls of Dragons shouldn't we be able to become the Dragon itself but rather than taking the form of the Dragon we can take its personality. Edited by Shunsei
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If my character goes in water, lake , river they remove all clothes and weapons

And when I kill someone I use the console to add a skull to my inventory.

Edited by fortie
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I don't have any kind of ritual.... :/


Well... I've placed a blue mountain flower over the corpse of a respected dead person, and of course, I didn't loot anything from the body.


That person was the "Old Orc who wanted a good death" ..



If I find any other respected foe or fallen friend, I'll certainly do the same.



PS: I loved the idea of crafting dragon bone weapons with the bones of Named Dragons. Hahahah

Edited by Sucrilhus
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My current playthrough is a hunter/trader (currently up to level 23). I haven't started the main quest, so don't have to deal with dragons and all that - I just explore the land, hunt, trade, survive (economics/needs/survival mods). If I come across a shrine, not only will I not loot the stuff around it but I'll leave something and move on. Edited by NoobusExtremus
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