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Help with MCM causing strange startup issue


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I've been installing mods in New Vegas for a play-through and I went to start up the game to make sure everything was running okay.


upon running the NVSE loader and the first screen (the one with the legal text) loaded, the screen suddenly went black and I got several prompts for the DLCs and startup packs, telling me the "The caravan pack items have been added to your inventory", same with the mercenary pack, and the classic pack and so on.


After these prompts, it would rest on a black screen, and, while I could still hear the music of the main title screen, no key presses seemed to do anything. The game was "frozen". (also keep in mind this would happen regardless of which executable i used to start the game.)


After uninstalling and reinstalling mods to find the culprit, I found it to be the Mod Configuration Menu. Does anyone know why the MCM might do this, or, better yet, how I might fix it.


Thank you in advance

Edited by unsafetwo
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Also I forgot to include this, my load order, should it be of use.

(optimized with loot because i'm a good boy)

0 0 FalloutNV.esm

1 1 DeadMoney.esm

2 2 HonestHearts.esm

3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm

4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm

5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm

6 6 ClassicPack.esm

7 7 MercenaryPack.esm

8 8 TribalPack.esm

9 9 CaravanPack.esm

10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm

11 b oHUD.esm

12 c NevadaSkies.esm

13 d Unofficial Patch NVSE.esp

14 e YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp

15 f The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

16 10 WMIMNV.esp

17 11 Weapon Retexture Project.esp

18 12 NS - DLC.esp.esp

19 13 NS - Base.esp.esp

20 14 DarNifiedUINV.esp
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Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article. (This takes some interpretation as applies to your situation. There are too many permutations for an "if A then B" type of guide. If you haven't encountered XML files before then the "TL;DR" section is not going to help by itself.)

"Disabling" mods is not enough to restore things to "vanilla" if they overwrote any files. UI mods definitely do this, and can make "edits" to other existing XML files. You have to "verify local files" to restore the originals. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' entry of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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Thank you guys for your replies, it is mucho appreciated.


I think the problem must have had something to do with the way or order in which I installed my ui mods, because I uninstalled and reinstalled all of my ui mods and it seems to work like Charm®


Thanks again buddies <3

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