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Food in the wasteland


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Wedding cake's so huge I might just call it an activator and leave it as that. :) As to the others... Uh.


Cupcakes: +2 HP (10 s.), +5 AP (1 minute duration), +12 Thirst, -18 Hunger, -4 SLP

Pancakes: +5 HP (12 s.), -124 Hunger

Rack of Ribs: +7HP (15 s.), -320 Hunger, +3 STR, -1 CHA (2 minute duration, +1 Rads (5 s.)

Sandwich, Burrito: +5 HP (12 s.), -95 Hunger



Uh, what else is there? I'll have to flip back through the thread


Edit: Slice of cake same as cupcake.


Taco same as sandwich and burrito.


Bread Loaf: +3 HP (15 s.), -212 Hunger, unusually high value.


I think that's all of them.

Edited by Xaranth
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there will in a following update be a pack of twinkies/fancy lad snack packs thingies, but about a hostess factory and corresponding quest, you aregoing to have to look elsewhere,

the next thing im working on after finishing up these food things, is some fairly (i have been told) disturbing and grotesque armor, weapons and creatures, aswell as a yakua black market quest/companion/playerhome thingie.



Thanks dude, I will definately use these stats as a starting point when asigning effects for stuff, although i will probably still make the full cake's eatable,

but that will longside the positive effects, give a timed agility penalty.



and here is just a few examples of the ultralux members only area and, the gourmand, that i am giving a slight decorative overhaul foodwise.






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Just rotate them using the RMB while holding down either x, y, or z. If your food items have collision meshes (which I guess they would if you wanted to be able to pick them up) then tap f to drop them onto the closest surface.


Additionally, you should be able to use the object palette with the havoc sim turned on and they should settle wherever you drop them in the render window.

Edited by TrickyVein
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aaah yeah, i ha pretty good grasp on the ceck by now, but for some reason the fact that i could hod the xyz key down while spinning, had just eluded me, so thanks a lot, it was driving me nuts that i couldn't tilt the cake slices xD
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and this is the last picture i will post here before i upload the file, now i "just" have to add stats to the items, add them to various vendor lists, and make some recipés, so my us is that it will be up and running,

in about two or three hours, so for this time thanks for lending me yor attention, and givin your inputs, so now i hope that yo wenjoy the items that i have created,


and just a little sidenote:

i will also be uploading a version of the mod with the random encouter script disabled, for those that are mostle interested in the food items,

but i should still mention that i would recommend on downloading the one with thrandom encounter script active, cause y ill be loosing out on a lot of stuff without it.


anyways thanks for now, and see you all again in a few hours.


Edited by quacko
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Oh one more thing, cause it's really got me stoked right now, i have never playedthe game on hardcore mode, so i actually never considered the hunger stat, and now that i look at it,

as many other things in the geck it doens't present itself all that fr*gg'n logical, so my olm is this:


Im looking at the stat that i guess im supposed to edit for the hunger level 'RestoreStarvationLevel' and for the life of me i can't figure out if a high integer is good or bad here, so any insight would be cool...

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And now eagerly awaiting rocketeers, as i'm typing this v5 of aces high is uploading.

The food items has been added to various levelled lists, the rack of man can be harvested from npc's and the rest of th stuff can either be found on gecko's, bighorners and deathclaws, or be bought at various vendors,

and furthermore a lot of the items can be crafted at campfires.


the stats on the items though ended up rather different from what Xaranth sugested, since i started getting cross eyed very quickly when jumping back and forth from one item after another, but in generel

i think that i managed to keep the stats fairly balanced to average game items, exept for a few items i hik ended up with afairly high healing rate (although nothing completely maniacle).


The update to the mod now adds the following items to the game:


Loaf of bread.


Greasy Burrito.

A whole and cut large cake, in both normal and nuka versions.

A cake slice in the same maner as the the large cakes, only with lower bonuses.

raw and cooked gecko and man chops.

ribs in to sizes, spanning over the following stuff: npc's, gecko's, deathclaws and bighorners.

Pancakes in both normal and nuka version.

two types of sandwiches.

two types of taco's.

and a can of sardines.


further more as some of the pictures i have posted also suggests, i have given the gourmand

and the whiteglove society's members only area, a slight overhaul and filled most of the plates with sorta gourmet-ish looking dishes. (or well... fancier than it was before anyways).


other than that i've made a few corrections to some aestetic isues that where beforehand, so all in all,

what we have here is a bunch of stuff for your courier to munch on, or your cheff to exibit, 'n'stuff.


anyways the mod was Aces high, and the food is in version 5 when it is finished uploading.

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