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How can i simple mesh replacer lead to a CTD ?


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Hello everyone,


I am quite modest when it comes to the number of mods I use, focusing mainly on retextures and model enhancements. The only overhaul mod I currently use is Belua Sanguinare Revisited. Unfortunately, I noticed that if I use BSR mod, then activating a heavily weakened NPC ('Last man standing' pose) as a Vampire Lord, allows you to perform Power Bite and thus further develop your Belua Vampire, however, using any Vampire Lord mesh replacer ("Grimoas Vampire Lord" or even the simple "Retexture Vampire Lord") causes a Crash to Desktop just seconds after the Feed Attack animation ends.


Uninstalling a mesh replacer immediately fixes the issue, leaving you with the vanilla model but a working BSR mod.


Has anyone else encountered the same problem or, more importantly, found out how to resolve it?


Cheers and all the best in the New Year,



Edited by Drkshadow22
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