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Hearthfire Display cases


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Anyone else notice in Hearthfire that you can't use the display cases in your house? I find it funny that the games designers can't even make the display cases work right when I have a breezeholm mod that has an armory with display cases and they work perfectly.


I also noticed that on the workbench some items are marked as Weapon plaques but once you make them and to to put a weapon on them they are actually Shield plaques.

Edited by Kanarus
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  • 4 months later...

^^ yeah, at first I thought it was just me, but later I realize they're not working as weapon storage,,what a shame, considering the display cases in breezhome renovation with bathroom mod are working well...

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I never had a problem with non-funcitoning display cases in Hearthfire. Bear in mind that in the vanilla game items must be grabbed and hand-placed in display cases, it's not automatic like the weapon and shield racks and plaques. Speaking of shield plaques in Skyrim, they're designed to hold a shield and two weapons.

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