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Interior is dark in distance

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You need to increase the "Ambient Lighting" on your "Light Template".

A good idea is to make a simple cell (Quick cell in the making), and experiment yourself with all the parametrs of the "Lighting Templates" and "Imagespace" to get a grasp on how they work.

Me in your position, i would set the color of the "Fog" in the lighting template to a color relative to the ones that your "Architecture" has, and set the distance close to the end / last wall in the corridor + set the intensity low, this will help revel the end of the corridor without using "Extra" light or increase the lighting on your "Lighting Template".

But this always depends on the mood you want to have, example:

If you do what i previously wrote, and you just change the color on the fog from a warm brown-orange that you have in your architecture to a dark red, your cell will imidately have a "Dark Mood".

Also tweak the "Distance" that the "Light Bulbs" should be visible / render.

Edited by maxarturo
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A good tip is to check Bethesda's close, medium and far templates and look at their values. You'll see that one of the big changes is fog distance. 'Close' templates have much lower fog distances. If you choose a 'close' template in a cell where you can see down a massively long hall, the far end will be almost completely fogged out. Close, medium and far refer to the max distance you can see in the cell, not the type of statics you are using to make the cell. I could use the dwemer 'small rooms' kit and make a room with it that was the size of Whiterun. I would then use a 'far' template, or make my own, if the vanilla options didn't work for me.


Also, when you add roombounds, you can assign different lighting templates to each individual roombound, so If you've got a cell with a lot of small rooms, halls and passages, you can set the cell's default to a 'close' template, but if you have an epic cave in the middle of it, you can put a roombound around that cave and set it to a 'far' lighting template.

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