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Download paint, or gimp, they are both free, you can re-save the image as just about anything you want, then post it. (may have to set up a photobucket account to host your pics...)


Almost sounds like artifacting.... (failing vid card.)

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apparently it only happens occasionally, when i enter a dark room or a cave. or when i step in a weird angle on the map. and i step back a step and the flashing is gone. it feels more like a glitch than anything. but here is one more screen shot.





that weird rectangle in the picture is the fire place. the fire looked like a rainbow of colors that was fluidly moving, it looked weird. but then there was that yellow flashing all around which turns my screen shots into grainy grey nothing..

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i think i might have found a fix. idk i'm gonna try it and see if it worked.


My yellow screen flicker came from fire and torches. All I did to fix it was: 1) Open Steam. 2) Select Steam Tab. 3) Select Update "Your Card Type" Video Drivers. 4) Download & installed."


This is the fix that worked for me. Didn't have to reduce my video quality.

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