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Find Companions


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Hi. Does anyone know how I can find my companions? Sometimes they wander off into the wilderness and there's no way I can pinpoint their locations. If I need to use the construction set for this, can someone please provide step by step procedures on how to do this? Because I'm not a modder. Thank you in advance for the help.
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A little more info on your companions would help. For instance, if they are CM Partners, simply making the CM Partners quest log entry the current quest will highlight your companion/s as quest markers on the map.
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The CM Partners quest log entry. I don't recall the exact name offhand -- look in your quest journal, and you will find an entry about your companions.


Edit: I think it's simply called 'Partners' in the quest log.

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Then use the warp ring that comes with the CM Partners mod. From the readme:


"A Partners Ring and a Warp Ring are also included to keep your party together or get them safely out of harm’s way."

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I've tried using the warp ring before. It never worked for me. Is it supposed to work on companions that I asked to "wait for me here"?


Read the reame that comes with the mod, it's all explained in there. Look for the 'usage' section.

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