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Player(Me) not taking any combat damage


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As the title states, I'm not taking any combat damage. I can take falling damage, and it can kill me. But any NPC(Creature, Guard, ect.) are un-able to inflict any kind of damage on me.


I'm normally pretty good at solving my own game problems, but this one has me stumped.


Any ideas? Please and thank you.

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Ok, it's not too much.




All Pells Avalible for Enchanting and Spell Making


Cutthroat Merchants


All the Official DLC


Living Economy


OOO(Osscuro's Oblivion Overhaul)


And the Unofficial Oblicion Patch




I hope it helps.

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I'm not familiar with the 'All Pells Available for Enchanting and Spell Making' but that's where I'd start. Uninstall that mod completely and see if the problem persists (you could try just disabling it first if you want, but disabling leaves all the mods assets still in your Oblivion folder). I'm also not familiar with OOO ... perhaps someone who uses it will know if that could be contributing to the problem.


My rule of thumb for installing mods is a simple one. Install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between adding mods. Makes troubleshooting a trivial affair.


- Edit - I noticed your post on the Deadly Reflex mod comments ... is that still installed (and you forgot to list it) or have you uninstalled DR?

Edited by Striker879
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