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Fallout Remastered?


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All this work and all gone because of someone's selfish ego. I can only hope people like him and Starak can see some sense and distribute their mods so honest people can enjoy them. I was really hoping to get hold of this mod again but I guess it's gone for good.
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Well this sucks, I had this installed when I started playing Fallout 3 when I got this new laptop, but haven't played for several months. Now I installed fellout, and can't the the compatibility patch for it. What will happen if I don't use the fellout patch?


All history was wiped from the nexus hubs of Remastered so you have no way to know this, A mod, or part of it had 70% of fellout Embedded in it, that Mod was the base / core of Remastered. the patches were removed due to fellout codes being updated within Remastered.


Why would you need to run fellout + Remastered? it would be redundant. IF you prefer fellout colors over the default and other mods control, load it underneath the last set of files in your load order. this is how the game treats mods.


If you rely upon automation, then you end up with what you get and the need for a patch arises. Automation "Boss" / "Fomm" places data according to the written scripting (suggestions) of others controlling what is thought to be the correct arrangement of the mods placed on the networks. Boss is not some magic tool, it does not read the internal codes of mods, it is some body writing out that data and it's held in a template. that template can be read as it's resides on your hard-drive. IF you open that template and use notepad ++ you will see all the ( ; ) out comments from those authors controlling load order placements for these games.


Boss is a cross game Team, very good at what they do, most load order questions should be directed at that team.


But here, in this case, common sense should over rule your choice ofr preferences. "YOU" must chose how you want the game to run. OR do with out.


to the other post's sitting here. there better not be an upload of this mod anywhere as it will not be acceptable by the author and it will be outdated too.


Remastered is being distributed in a controlled manner and Beta testers are in possession of the new data, any one that has contacted me may come forth and post the results here if you like but no support will be given here.



Copy Rights are indeed at work here and are being Explicitly controlled. the new data is not compatible with most of the old mods at this point so the beta testers are going to be your only source of support should they wish to post it. Other wise none will be provided.


Ego ? I think not. Correcting a Big mistake is more of a better choice of words.


Do as I directed or do with out.




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For the gifted experts, an outline of the facts surrounding the outcome of what took place.


In the geck, locate any interior cell that contains a lite source, a glow map item. double click on that item and verify you have the glow_lite listed in the text box. do nothing. close it and at the top of the geck editor, click edit, and scroll down to Duplicate, or ctrl+D look at the object in the render window and Notice how it has grown in intensity. repeat this till you can no longer look at the screen as it will be blindingly bright. save the esp as default right there and go into the game to that cell and see the new sun you just made.


This is what a duplicated object does, if you set items darker, as in an image space adjustment and you load other mods with that same adjustment, you have now duplicated that item, it too now shows this property, Enhanced darkness as described by complaints of a metro tunnel.........How many mods have touched those points? A lot of em.


weather mods added on top of fellout, any mods that effect lighting conditions will enhance this "Duplication" property. Remastered being the last log in the fire and you end up with such a darkened area even a night vision mod goes nut's trying to illuminate a Duplicated area, at some places in the game, NV did not make a dent.


This was the cause of that problem. Now. we had a tool, every one loves this tool. Seems to be a Gawd set piece of software, Guess what it was designed to do? well it going to use the fallout.esm as it's source, that's a Vanilla source, Now, what is it going to do to the mods you edit? yeah, think about that.


Because it was using code from another mod and creating controversy.

and it was not going to stop there either, in fact, not only this mod, all other mods are in fact in this same boat.


If you need to set a load order to get things to line up so they work, how many duplicates exist in that line up? quite a few I imagine.


it really does not matter whether or not they are-correctly loaded , the duplications and the code changes back and forth are the cause of stuttering, many types of game crashes, Graphics overloads and a ton of other things taking place at the speed of lite.


A true add on will not have any Identical data in it unless you need to have an association to that link for it to work.


esm vs.esp factor. this in it's self is vastly differently controlled by the engine so much so, no body really understands just how much.


it's over looked, a simple flag, in the header changes how the data is processed. Also how the engine "tells the Tools " how to use the data. Yeah, you can't edit the game files without the engine instructions.


"Creating Controversy"


we call that "modding". unraveling that aspect is the key to a clean game. a master file needs to be designed by the author with thought as to how it fucntions, Not turned into a master by a user or some tools made to do that. master updating is opening up Pandora's box, unless you have the knowledge of how the data will react "IN GAME", you don't alter the files as they are made. it's turning night into day and day into night.


imagine what the author had to deal with knowing this is what they are up against? I can supply you with demos of this if need be.




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Hey everyone,


I'm sorry if this is bad mannered for me to do but I am in the same boat as Paxton2 and1031982. I think I was able to send an email to Purr4me, but to make sure I would also like to get in contact with the original authors so that I might be able to get a hold of fallout remastered or whichever mod it is turning into.


Thanks for reading,


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I have just been notified a set of our work has been Illegally uploaded to the networks, I downloaded that package and extracted and examined the data. Most of it seems to be from before Oct 2012 and a lot of it is from 2011 ERA.


the Remastered esp has been altered and does not epresent our work, missing data, and has had alterations to it, the header was blank as in default.


the package also contains my files I removed from the nexus too. It contains Blackrampages files, missing Persna's data, has the wrong textures in it. zephas data and it just goes on from there.


This upload is NOT AUTHORIZED by any one or the author. Beware should you stumble across that package. I E-mailed the author and He is taking steps to locate the user who uploaded it WITHOUT permissions And I am really Pissed My data is in that package.


I find out who did this, you will not be happy with the results, No support for it will be allowed. Now, I have done as I was asked to do, I have sent / forwared all request as I said I would do, I have confirmation most have recieved the data, the new data and it is NOT compatible with the older files. it's out right theft of not only our work, but others as well.


You've been warned.


NOTE: a little insight to the responsible party , you will note, I see the mistaken packaging habits seen before and it's still there so I believe I know who did this, I am checking now to find out. remove that package now. it's a dead getaway.




Edited by Purr4me
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