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Fallout Remastered?


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To Presna: Hi !, thanks for sounding in, Notice the Enclave barriers there in the shots? um, that's before the quest stages have completed, level 3.6. Cropped up before and after. Now. understand this, it's just the DLC's, no street lights, no other mods but a tiny tree mod that has only tree data in it and Remastered raw, last known before editing as the picture pictorials depict here.


Yes, the sections do indeed flip, but the section on the right side does the switching and the water flow is in the opposite direction.


Use of fallout Moods will render this section Bright red.


Now. to further point out, the brownish shot there IS Remastered "AGAIN" with out the offending codes in it, did you notice the Enclave barriers? still there and NO separation of the water at all, in fact ! NO lines period. I will get you a shot soon if the author sends me one????I hope? after the purity thing is completed, he will most likely send me a fresh revised issue of the mod and I will make the new shot in the same place.


as for a log time ago. "already known" things, that's great for the past, forgotten logs and posts. Does not apply in this situation.


The ......( BUG )... <---Does and it's being squashed !.


what, mod load limit is ? 225 ? or 190 some where in there, and remastered goes very near the lower end of all of that. Shooting fish in a barrel upside down. you have to wonder just how may "Street light type" of mods are going to mess with that spot.


The over all intention is and was to fix a mistake, my posts are an outline of those mistakes being corrected. New data available may render so many more things we never thought of and have found "inert".


this is present day and the bugs still remain until it's fixed.



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Purr4me - Hello!

"as for a log time ago. "already known" things, that's great for the past, forgotten logs and posts. Does not apply in this situation."

That's why I thought I'd mention it. Most people know to place Streetlights above Broken Steel (BOSS included I believe) but have no idea why.


Since the problem you showed is the exact same area & same distinctive split in the water between clean & polluted, I figured it would be of interest to you.

I was just putting out there what I'd seen cause the issue before & what was used to fix it as it may have been of help to you.


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the following are an address in the Bos DLC. the data seen in an editor be it the geck or xedit any version is this:

  • [02] BS Water.esp \ Water \ 01001B5F <DLC03TBPotomacWater>WaterHeal4Bad "Bad Water" [sPEL:00045656]
  • [02] BS Water.esp \ Water \ 01001B60 <DLC03TBCleanWater>DLC03TidalBasinWaterEffect "Tidal Basin Water" [sPEL:0100B400]

But, these here do NOT apply to the very last screen shot next to the ship as that is not a "Tidal Basin Water" area. yet you still see the lines drawn there.


The purpose of what is shown there is the bug it's self out lined and carried over by other mods, other mods that alter these locations will compound this bug even further than by it's self.+ the repair done was using the geck in wire frame Mode only. spaghetti galore !


addition plugins NOT game plug ins, were used with the geck to highlight the sections, Nvidia Dll's and ATI Dll's combined to Isolate both rendering possibilities. What was found and how is the rez seem to hide or Enhance these types of bugs. Big and Blotchy drew it out plain as day.


these exact lines fall on map faults.








the JPG's are of poor quality but the day I took them was on a cheap laptop. I posted them where I was told to place them. The green lines seen in these shots are the dividing lines that fall on the cells "edges", can be seen and you can move those chunk of water up and over and then hit the overlay to see the green nine appear where the water's edges are opened up.


the bottom (SPEL:0100B400) is an actor effect, Complete with Choices of types of stages so the water you see there id Dynamic. FEV or Not, Direction of flow should not change, The fix found was to link in the extra next layers to the Tidal basin Pure water so the whole set of cells act as one, the weird changes are now hidden under the map / land mass textures. all the numbers now match, best described as an ocean instead of a small pond.


The geck properties windows allows for very small Minute adjustments in object placements, that include the water tables.


Now, the object statics used here are also called by other mods and used in other places when they should not be, in those other places, facing the wrong direction, will effect the dynamic flow direction here too.


any way's , it's all an interesting topic and subject to talk about.



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  On 3/16/2013 at 2:16 AM, Bowen_guy said:

I'm likely misinterpreting your posts, but are you stating that as it stands of now, the new-to-be remastered will be incompatible with Dy-weather and Fellout?

your guess is correct, your missing the point, as it was, "it was incompatible", as it is now ! however, it is fully compatible.


that was the problem, an unseen thing, so much so, it forced a complete re-due from scratch.




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A simple demonstration of Duplicity caused by multiple mods http://imageshack.us/a/img692/7933/screenshot7he.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img805/1064/screenshot9lw.jpgcompounding the same data over and over from all mods that use the same data.

http://imageshack.us/a/img827/6480/screenshot3cvu.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img545/9696/screenshot5oca.jpg the light seen on the left in the shots here are set as default, the brightness you see here is caused by simple duplication of the same data as will be seen across mutable mods. Fallout3 Remastered had in it data that was consistent with ILO, Fellout, Dynamic weather and Now many many other mods.

the reason this is ; is because others used the same data from the same source. This issue was not seen or Foreseen.

Data set with numerical values such as -23222 etc,etc.... Also do this too only in reverse. If a interior is set to be darker by one mod and you add other mods with similar if not Identical Values, then it compounds in that order as they pile on. This also applies to exteriors too. Now, if you wanted to "Pump up" street Lights data? you can do it this way if the geck will allow you too .as you increase the density of the compounded duplicates, the lag from this appears in the programming but not the results. In game, if these values jump all over the place and are not consistent, this cause Lag, and in some places, you come across a location where the items in a mod have been set to deleted and are trigger sensitive, Instant CTD at that location.

The argument over this can be removed if you look at the way inventory adjust items. The Medic brace for instance will allow many collected but only 1 at a time, the inventory in this case shows them in one slot. But ! , fi you add these items by console command or a mods places a bundle of those like say 10 in one box ? that ten will not qualify as a collected item in FWE's scripting. in other words, you have no required Mbraces. the games own heal all items scripts will also not except the added on grouped braces as Collected legit items. the lights share the same intensity IF the vales are not the same.

the engine has to process all of this in nano seconds and can cause freezing, messed up graphics + any static mesh files made that implicitly depend on the source data NOT being altered in this manner may exhibit bad results in game when nothing at all is wrong with them, it's these small additions that is the cause. Now, just so there is fairness to all, I made a demo esp that contains the above data for you to inspect. The future is what "YOU MAKE OF IT".




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  On 3/21/2013 at 1:31 AM, ncrvet said:

so is remastered still available?

where can I download it?

yes, read this thread, you will discover how to obtain it.


Hmm, nut's. In the attempt to get the aurora borealis effect from point lookout ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/2974656-1358681260.jpg )to show up in the capital wasteland, I messed up PL.. the coloring seen i that shot is reversed and now in PL way too dark. The geck will not allow me to undue the changes either. Thanks Bethesda for that. I will find a way.


This is what I want to achieve in game http://ayay.co.uk/backgrounds/nature/sunrises_and_sunsets/Aurora-Borealis.jpg

I am getting real close to it too. Just a matter of time.



Edited by Purr4me
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