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Where are Brynjol and Delvin from?


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Most nords you see have this strange Nordic accent on them. The Khajiits have their Khajiit accent. Imperials, Redguards and Bosmer seem to have an American accent. High Elves seem to have an English accent. I can't even place (male) Dark Elf accents.


What I'm curious of, though, is where the hell Brynjolf and Delvin are from. Brynjolf is a Nord, Delvin is a Breton, yet they don't have anything close to the accents the rest of their peoples have. Brynjolf has an Irish accent, Delvin has an English one, where in Tamriel would they come from to have such odd accents? o_O

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The Dunmer in Skyrim generally have either a well-spoken but imposing southern-English accent (usually the females) or a very mild London accent (mostly the males).


Brynjolf sounds to be Irish to me, while most Nords are obviously based on the Norse and therefore have their generic accent I don't see it unlikely that there may be a small region of Skyrim that has a more Irish/Scottish accent. It may even be an influence of Breton, since I've often interpreted them as a mixture of Medieval Northern Europeans, such as the Scottish, Irish, French or English.

Edited by Tzontlimixtli
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