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Overusing the Tilder Key :(


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Why feel bad? It's your game, you can play it any way you want to. It's not like you're competing with anyone else. Some people use god mode, others use over powered weapons and spell mods. The most important question to ask is: Are you having fun?


I'm not aware of any way to prevent using god mode. Maybe there is a mod to change that. I've never used god mode, so I don't know.


In the meantime, if you're getting killed all the time, try a different tactic. Bring along a follower to watch your back. Or just put off that fight and buff up your skills with weaker opponents. Don't be afraid to take some hits.


Find skill trainers. Apply perks to defense. Stock up on health potions. Enchant weapons and armor. Buy a horse. There's all kinds of ways to get around Skyrim and survive.

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I know your feeling man I do the same I play on expert and some timed I get that God mode when s*** hits the fan hehe I tell my self I need to stop it but I still do it makes me angry >.< but mostly I use good mode to take more loot than I should. >.<
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