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Falmer Expansion: Legacy of the Snow Elves


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Hello everyone! Since this is under mod requests i have no way of making this mod, but i have recently had a huge idea for a falmer based expansion/mod. This Mod would add a new underground town/city of friendly falmer. The point of the mod is to assisst a Bosmer in returning The Falmer to their past glory as a dominant race in Skyrim. The basic idea/story would go along the lines of


The Player will find a Bosmer who has made a small camp in a cave in the wilderness. The Bosmer will be clearly hiding something via stuttering and stumbling over his words. when the player asks him what he's hiding he will say he simply cant trust the Player and gives them a quest to prove themselves. A simple quest to collect Alchemy supplies (for restore health potions). After Bring back the materials the player can ask what the ingredients are for. The bosmer will respond with a question about Falmer. Finaly the Bosmer will reveal that he is Helping the Falmer by treating the defects and illnessess they have gained over the years, He will get The player a meeting with The Falmer Cheif. On the way to the chief the Player will walk through the town greeted by a horde of Terrified yet Curious Falmer some Hissing while some crane their necks for a better view. In the meeting with the chief the Player can agree to help the falmer (or be killed on the spot) In this conversation you Learn that the Bosmer has tought some of the Falmer to speak though they have trouble with grammer and leave out words and missplace others.


While i do have so manny more ideas for this, I want to see the General Reaction to this idea before i post the Rest of it (I have essentialy an entire quest line planned out, but sadly lack the ablity to make such a thing Reality, so im gonna leave it here for someone who does)


~The Almighty DarkLordFlan


P.S. Excuse my Horrible spelling.

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I generally like the idea of both Falmer & Dwemer being back, at least in lower numbers..


About your idea, i would actually think that it would be best to bring back the original Falmer back -aka Snow Elves- instead of trying to "civilize" the current Falmer, and as there is (at least) one snow elf still alive (Paladin Gelebor, from the Dawnguard questline), i think he is the one who should bring the former Falmer back.


If i recall correctly, Gelebor says that he is (together with his to-be-killed brother) probably the last Snow Elf in Skyrim.. yet that it is possible for other Snow Elf settlements to have survived in the shadows, as he did.


Maybe, after the Dawnguard questline is finished (or at least, after the Auriel's Bow is recovered), Gelebor can ask you to help him find out if he really is the last snow elf remaining.. therefore starting a small questline involving probably some hidden and highly secretive magic, which would involve the Collage of Winderhold, and some collecting of extremely rare alchemy ingredients like Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Fire salts, void salts, frost salts, a human heart, a daedra heart, and a briar heart. Maybe even custom-made, unique ingredients that you need to quest for. Probably some sort of ritual, using the ingredients to open a portal to how-knows-which plane of Oblivion, and making an Elder Scroll appear.. which the elder scroll, probably do something like looking back in time, similar to the original quest where you learn the Dragonebane shout.. and finding out that there's a small, last settlement of Snow Elves.. you tell Gelebor, he becomes temporal follower, you clean up a dungeon full of the most badass monsters ever, probably infested with Falmer too.. and at the end you find a sealed door, that becomes unsealed after you find an ancient sacrificial dagger, and Gelebor uses his blood to unseal the door.. finding a wonderful, completely isolated valley with some nice scenery and a small town of Snow Elves..

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Your Idea does sound fun but thats not why i suggested this mod, I think there are WAY to many snow elves mods, i believe there arnt anymore true snow elves and am a huge falmer fan, and would like to see a mod that Truely expands on the In-game falmer, Perhaps having the Falmer if turned to the players side becoming a REAL faction, maybe convincing them to help in the civil war. Helping the winning side could get them A higher standing in skyrim. But all in all, I want to expand on the Already Degraded Falmer, and not add an all new "We were fine the whole time!" Deus to the Falmer problem It's just to much of a "happy" ending.
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I like that Falmer help in the civil war thingy.. sounds a little too "ghosts from LOTR" but should be cool too see furious,endless hordes of falmer appearing in the middle of the battle for Whiterun, just when the situation seems to be lost (should require a little modding on some of the battles to make it seem like the falmer do make an edge)
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I've never seen LOTR strangly enough. That Could also be A nice part of the mod, The Falmer looking to you for guidance or perhaps after helping them enough you could ask for their help in different quests or maybe even them lending you Falmer Warriors as temporary companions. The assistance of the falmer like your own litte personal army, perhaps having them help you along the way like the assult on the Thalmor embassy or even Adding Adoptable Falmer Children, Of course the children could look a little more Normal with the help of the Player or The Bosmor teaching them to straighten their spine so they dont hunch over? Seeing the Falmer come above ground and start a litte town Around the entrance to the Cave Would be a nice touch, Perhaps The player as the Yarl of the new Falmer town? I'm just throwing ideas out there, Having the Falmer Become a major part of Skyrim, having them advance along with you throughout the game untill they are either Accepted or wiped out by the Local nords. Convincing the Seperate Holds, the Storm Cloaks or the Empire to assist the Growing Falmer as a way to extend the Story line.
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  • 4 months later...

An alternative would be that the falmer are in natural ways slowly healing from the mutating poison and becoming snow elves again
the college sends you and gelebor to a team of researchers of falmer who have caught a falmer but refuses to communicate. when you see him he will talk to you in the dragon tongue, he tells you to save his niece a pure snow elf. The falmer leaders want the sacrifice to lift their curse. You need a way fight your way to the prison of the falmer capital where the father of the snow elf girl imprisoned and says that he wants the dragons born adopt her and show her the world above. He also tells a good escape route from her cell to skyrim. at first the little snow elf girl is happy with Gelebor and fearful of the dragon born. But under way out they will be impressed. Ones Outside, the child is sleepy and Gelebor lead you to a hut where she go to sleep in a bed then asks Gelebor asks if you will honor he father wise. (no) Gelebor will adopt her and she will call you uncle or aunt, (yes) and the dragons born adopts her. but In both occasions she will say that she wants to save pure snow elves baby's and rebuild their civilization.

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An alternative would be that the falmer are in natural ways slowly healing from the mutating poison and becoming snow elves again

the college sends you and gelebor to a team of researchers of falmer. they have caught a falmer but it refuses to communicate. when you see him he will talk to you in the dragon tongue, he tells you to save his niece a pure snow elf. The falmer leaders want to sacrifice her to lift their curse. You need to fight your way to the prison of the falmer capital where the father of the snow elf girl is imprisoned and he will says that he wants the dragons born adopt her, and show her the world above. He also tells a good escape route from her cell to skyrim. At first the little snow elf girl is fearful of the dragon born. But on the way out she will be impressed. Ones Outside, the child is sleepy and Gelebor lead you to a hut where she go to sleep in a bed then Gelebor asks if you will honor he father wise. (no) Gelebor will adopt her and she will call you uncle or aunt, (yes) and the dragons born adopts her. In both occasions she will say that she wants to save pure snow elves baby's and rebuild their civilization. (sorry bad English)

Edited by aiyanapa
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Any mod that expands the heavily neglected Falmer in Skyrim, sounds great too me. I particularily like the idea that the Falmer have some influence on the world, which could lead too some pretty interesting ideas and concepts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have to say I don't like the idea of Pure snow elves still existing other then the 1, because it just seems to much like a deus ex machina. But to have a mod that expands on the Falmer, to have them actually grow and have a place in the world again would be a great thing too see. The rewards you could get from that like being able to recruit falmer companions, and Helping them develop more modern technologies (for skyrim that is) would be a great mod for someone to take up.

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