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Alignment choices and why


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Could someone list why any particular race would make the following faction choices and why?

Legion or Stormcloaks

Forsworn or Silver-bloods

Rieklings or Thirsk Nords

For example, would a Khajiit choose between the Legion or Stormcloaks, the Forsworn or the Silver-bloods, the Rieklings or the Thirsk Nords and why?

Edited by MidbossVyers
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It depends entirely on the individual in question. Race does not determine personal beliefs.


You can easily justify a Dunmer siding with the Stormcloaks if said Dunmer hates the Empire, even if the Stormcloaks are overtly racist this Dunmer may hope to change their minds by proving his/her strength and courage in battle.


You can justify a character killing the Emperor for the Dark Brotherhood and still siding with the Empire in the war. This assassin may believe in the Empire but not it's leadership, taking matters into his own hands and removing Titus Mede II from power so someone else can step in.


Anything can be justified, it depends on who your character is and what his/her beliefs are. Providing a clear cut list of allegiances based solely on race is impossible, because race does not define who you are as a person.


EDIT: The best way of figuring this out is to learn as much as you can about the various factions, their history and their beliefs. Then seeing how they line up with your character's personality.

Edited by UrgeNexus
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Well, Skyrim obviously provides a lot of information on the Stormcloaks and the Legion. I had to do a bit of digging, but I also found info on the Forsworn and the Silver-bloods, as well, but there is barely any information on the Thirsk or the Rieklings. Thirsk seems to be a common Nordic mead hall founded on what I think are Nordic values, and the Rieklings are just a bunch of goblins. Which one would a Khajiit werewolf assassin side with?
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A Khajiit would probably not get involved in the Skyrim Civil War at all. Same for the Forsworn vs Silver-Bloods. I haven't played Drogonborn so I can't really give you my opinon on that, though from the sound of it, again he wouldn't get involved.


But like UrgeNexus says, it completely depends on the individual and his backstory. Maybe this is a Khajiit who used to work the mines for Thonar Silver-Blood with very long hours and very low pay. Then he might help the Forsworn just to hurt the Silver-Bloods.


But he's a Khajiit and a werewolf and an assassin? Three good reasons to lay low in Skyrim and not call any attention to himself, so I'd say the most obvious choice would be not to get involved in any of those political issues.

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Oh, I still remember my first playthrough... A young breton hero, that joined the Stormcloaks just for vengeance for the soldier/general that tried to kill him....


But then I learned of Ulfrics "Asset" status to the Thalmor! THE HORROR!


But back on topic, race COULD be a influence on such choices, for example:


An Orc probably would fit best for the Empire, since many work as blacksmiths for the Empire anyway....Imperials are plain obvious....

But a Dunmer or an Altmer...Or even a Redguard? Plenty of reason to hate the Empire, but on the Elves case, the stormcloaks wouldnt greet them with open arms...


But of course that would depend on the characters background...How was he raised? Where? Any hardships caused by X or Y factions growing up? Etc, Etc


And to answer, Khajiit do not join the war, Khajiit sell weapons and armor to both sides and profit from the war (ºuº)

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I like your take on why a Khajiit would join the Forsworn, but my main concern is Rieklings vs. Thirsk Nords, as so far, I can't really find any information that would make a good or even sympathetic back story for those 2 factions (as opposed to, say, the Falmer, blind vicious mutants at first, but if you read their back story, you at least feel pity for them). It's just a tribe of goblins vs. a fairly generic Nordic mead hall. Or should I wait until Dragonborn comes out on PC, and more people have done that quest? Edited by MidbossVyers
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Could someone list why any particular race would make the following faction choices and why?

Legion or Stormcloaks

Forsworn or Silver-bloods

Rieklings or Thirsk Nords

For example, would a Khajiit choose between the Legion or Stormcloaks, the Forsworn or the Silver-bloods, the Rieklings or the Thirsk Nords and why?


1. Honestly I see a Khajit siding with neither side. There is simply no profit in helping either side win a war that has no bearing on the Khajit. He'd instead try to sell things to both sides in the war to make a profit or ignore them and do something else.

2. The Silver Bloods. They do not attack him constantly while wandering through the Reach and being in good with those in charge of the treasury of a major city could be profitable.

3. Haven't played Dragonborn so couldn't say yet.

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Most people have given their input on the Civil War and the Forsworn Conspiracy, so the only question that remains in the Thirsk quests in Dragonborn, which might have to wait until the DLC comes out for PC. Although, another way to ask this is: Of the following 3 characters who would be most likely to help the Rieklings?

Vampire Breton Agent (Forsworn sympathies: Joined the Legion just to spite Ulfric for the Markarth Incident)

Vampire Dunmer Nightblade (Joined the Stormcloaks to fight the order established by the treaty between the Empire and the Thalmor, which he finds to be loathsome)

Werewolf Khajiit Assassin (On the border, probably leaning towards the Empire, although she might defect during the Jagged Crown quest depending on mood and situation)

Edited by MidbossVyers
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Oh, I still remember my first playthrough... A young breton hero, that joined the Stormcloaks just for vengeance for the soldier/general that tried to kill him....


But then I learned of Ulfrics "Asset" status to the Thalmor! THE HORROR!


This is because of the Bethesda writing team's misinterpretation of the intelligence term 'asset'. They're using it in a more colloquial sense (a real asset to our cause) because it is clearly written down that they have no influence over him, just that the civil war is beneficial to them. If you read the whole thing you'll see that they don't wish for either the Imperials or the Stormcloaks to actually win. They want the war to go on for as long as possible, draining manpower and resources from the Empire. If the Empire should win, then they will come back strengthened and should the Stormcloaks win, the Thalmor will have to deal with a new nation full of vigor and battle hungry veterans of war. (It should be noted that the Redguards successfully fought off the Thalmor on their own.)


In any case, I played a female Altmer vampire who sided with the Stormcloaks, the Dawnguard and the Forsworn. This might seem incongruous, but it is all just clearing the way for never ending hegemonic rule over Tamriel.

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Oh, I still remember my first playthrough... A young breton hero, that joined the Stormcloaks just for vengeance for the soldier/general that tried to kill him....


But then I learned of Ulfrics "Asset" status to the Thalmor! THE HORROR!


This is because of the Bethesda writing team's misinterpretation of the intelligence term 'asset'. They're using it in a more colloquial sense (a real asset to our cause) because it is clearly written down that they have no influence over him, just that the civil war is beneficial to them





Status: Asset (uncooperative), Dormant, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Jarl of Windhelm, leader of Stormcloak rebellion, Imperial Legion veteran

Background: Ulfric first came to our attention during the First War Against the Empire, when he was taken as a prisoner of war during the campaign for the White-Gold Tower. Under interrogation, we learned of his potential value (son of the Jarl of Windhelm) and he was assigned as an asset to the interrogator, who is now First Emissary Elenwen. He was made to believe information obtained during his interrogation was crucial in the capture of the Imperial City (the city had in fact fallen before he had broken), and then allowed to escape. After the war, contact was established and he has proven his worth as an asset.The so-called Markarth Incident was particularly valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in Skyrim, although it resulted in Ulfric becoming generally uncooperative to direct contact.


Operational Notes: Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant. As long as the civil war proceeds in its current indecisive fashion, we should remain hands-off. The incident at Helgen is an example where an exception had to be made - obviously Ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an Imperial victory and thus harmed our overall position in Skyrim. (NOTE: The coincidental intervention of the dragon at Helgen is still under scrutiny. The obvious conclusion is that whoever is behind the dragons also has an interest in the continuation of the war, but we should not assume therefore that their goals align with our own.) A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, however, so even indirect aid to the Stormcloaks must be carefully managed.


Bolded what I think are critical points.

1. He was broken, that is clear. His reaction to Elenwen at the truce discussion is proof of his vulnerability. From a Nord perspective he is weak and not worthy of following.

2. He was obviously being influenced by the Thalmor. They used him to get access to Skyrim in order to prosecute the ban on Talos worship. Without this the ban would be nothing but words.

3. He probably realised he was being manipulated.

4. They don't think Ulfric can win without their aid.

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