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Thoughts on The Elder Scrolls Vl


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The MMO.


Skyrim may be supported with continual DLC, along side the MMO having updates and stuff like any MMO.


I doubt there will be any actual game like Morrowind-Oblivion-Skyrim coming anytime soon or at all. If they do... then I have hopes it will be a long time in the making and make it actually deep and meaningful. Skyrim is a very shallow game.

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"... then I have hopes it will be a long time in the making and make it actually deep and meaningful. Skyrim is a very shallow game."

Well said mate, almost every person who knows about and plays TES games say that skyrim is bleak.

They just crammed in too much stuff and not enough story, "Go there, kill this, come back for gold" over and over GRrrrAAaaaagGHHHhh! :wallbash:

And combat?! In Skyrim combat is based on how fast you can click your mouse keys, thankfully we have modders and their creations.

They should bring in-depth lore like in Morrowind or Oblivion. (My opinions)

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I wonder what they will replace the shouts with. The player can´t be Dragonborn again and to remove them would be disappointing. Perhaps they will make it so that we play the same character. Not exactly but perhaps some time after the war.
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The MMO.


Skyrim may be supported with continual DLC, along side the MMO having updates and stuff like any MMO.


I doubt there will be any actual game like Morrowind-Oblivion-Skyrim coming anytime soon or at all. If they do... then I have hopes it will be a long time in the making and make it actually deep and meaningful. Skyrim is a very shallow game.


Except that the MMO is being handled by a side studio, and not Bethesda proper. None of the standard team or resources are dedicated to the MMO. And i don't understand the shallow comment... Oblivion was shallow. It relied on a few storylines and the rest of the world was jsut cookie cutter generic dungeons. Its stat system was antiquated and no longer relavent, and what passed for dialogue choice and voice acting was borderline porno-quality.

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Seeings that previous versions were aimed at PC users, us (but gradually declined in thought requirements of the player). Skyrim was written for a 10+ year old gaming toy, my prediction is it will be for a Wii type device or NextBox (whatever that is) but require a kinect like input device. It will be less thought provoking and even more dumbed down (if that is at all possible). As the goal and aim of the target audience will be somewhere around the 12 or 13 year old range with about a twenty minute attention span, at best. IF there is a new game and it is ported again for PC users (Halo 4 was pulled from PC use) it wil lbe under control of another gatekeeper like STEAMypile. Again, they will dictate and mandate when and how you can run your game. When you must take an update, how you are required to log in and that you wil lbe unable to play without them latched into your system.


Bethesda didn't listen the last time. They don't listen to us now. What makes you think they will listen next time. They are not in the business to make PC users happy. They are in the business to sell a game to make the kiddies all not sniffle and become teary eyed because their happy Adventurer can't find how to work a pair of levers to open a doorway. Time will stop if everyone is made to feel special all the time with no chance to fail at anything and no real change to grow and learn.


We are a faltering breed of users.

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Who cares about kids? They should listen to what the players wants(not the 12 yr olds) the "veterans". The ones that know what Bethesda is actually capable of.


Here in Sweden there is a 18+ limit on Skyrim. But 12 year olds probably have the game anyway. :(





This seems like a nice place to explore:




On further inspection, it seems like The Summerset Isles is a stronger bet than Aldmeris.

Edited by Niborino9409
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