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Can you disable shadows completely while running an ENB?


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Basically, as far as I'm aware you can't completely remove shadows from Skyrim but you can reduce the amount of shadows that are used.


The reason why shadows in general can't be removed is because Skyrim uses the shadows (or it's proper term "directional ambient") within its weather system as part of the basic lighting system, which ultimately cannot be disabled.


However, you can make some shadow removal optimisations via the SkyrimPrefs.ini file. I've not disabled shadows like you want so I can't definitively state what to do here, but just try disabling anything that involves shadows - i.e. the lines: bTreesReceiveShadows=1, bDrawLandShadows=1, bDrawShadows=1 can be set to the values of 0 (disabled) not 1 (enabled). Bear in mind that you'll still have "main" shadows and you may not even notice much difference in land shadows (tree shadowing should be obvious though). There are more shadow orientated settings within the .ini so see what you can do.


As for ENB settings, I'd suggest using the latest ENB (o.126) and using the GUI to disable as many effects as you can while retaining image quality while hopefully improving performance at the same time (this latest ENB has a built in FPS display so you can immediately determine performance results from your changes).

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I'm actually in the process of making my own ENB setting, but I don't use the ENB customizer - I directly edit ENB .fx and .ini file(s) first then do minor adjustments in game using ENB v0.126 built in in-game ENB editor. However, I still experiment with trying out loads of ENBs that are on Nexus.


I will always prefer my ENB setup as it's exactly as I want it, but if I were to use someone elses ENB then I'd choose...




Darker ENB


The Wilds ENB


Jasmin enb v6_3 real realistic graphic


Opethfeldt6 ENB ]

Edited by LargeStyle
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