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Questions about Stuttering,FPS drops


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Lately my game has been suffering from stuttering/FPS drops.


Checked My GPU , and it's not overheating.Temp is 66 after about 3 hours. (ATI5800 series).No unusaul spike in mem either according to CCC


Used the same mods from before this happens..more or less.


The stuttering/FPS drops only happens when my character turns 180, FPS drops for about 2-3 seconds before returning to normal (60). It sometimes happen when my character looking forward to, but rarely. Only happens outdoor.


Now, after some online searching, it's became apparent that a lot of people suddenly experiencing FPS drops/stutter lately.


Imucho gracias in advance

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Try capping your fps Start at 50. if the stuttering goes away completely move up to 60 - as that is whet you want anyway you may get lucky there. If not make adjustments until you get a happy setting where you either stop the stutter or it is at least less noticeable.


FPS is overrated - movies & TV are capped at 24, The xbox version is capped at 30. By capping you take some load off of your GPU giving it more overhead to deal with sudden changes like when you spin around.


One noticeable negative effect of capping is longer load screens though. I haven't found why this would occur yet.

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Just a thought on the load screens....someone on the forums (sorry, I forget who) noticed that if you cap at 60 or 30 fps, it can cause long load screens. I had that problem (had capped at 30) I changed to 35, and no more long loads. Might be worth considering if you run into the long load screens thing.


Other suggestions I have are to disable radial blur/blur shading, and to make sure all of your unessential background programs are diabled. Playing Steam in offline mode removed a lot of slowdown and the occasional CTD for me.

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