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Make plants "grow" over a few in-game months possible?

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Good evening everybody!


What I want to do is this:


Make a mod that makes the "craftable" plants at settlements take a few in-game months to "grow", so it would be a bit more realistic.


Obviously that would also have some issues with cell-reset (cells reset after a few in-game weeks / days / whatever).


So, how would one do this? And would there be any impact on things like performance or "savegame-size"?


If anybody knows anything about this, let me know here ...





(I fear that this could be another one of those "great ideas" that get cut off by stupid limitations of the FO4 game system ...)

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Did something like that for workshop plantable wild plants. Attach a script like this to your base flora forms and set the global variable to the number of game hours or days to grow;




Scriptname SKK_MWFloraScript extends ObjectReference Const

ActorValue 	Property pSKK_MWTimeStamp 		Auto Const Mandatory 
GlobalVariable 	Property pSKK_MWFloraRegrowthGameHours 	Auto Const Mandatory ;GameDaysPassed Hours: (1/24) = .04167

;Default regrowth is 24 game hours from harvest, the plant does not update unless the player
;leaves and returns so it can unload/load to refresh. 

Event OnInit()
	Self.SetValue(pSKK_MWTimeStamp, Utility.GetCurrentGameTime())
Event OnLoad()
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionObject)
	Self.SetValue(pSKK_MWTimeStamp, Utility.GetCurrentGameTime())
Function UpdateHarvested() ;  cf "SKK_MWFloraScript.UpdateHarvested"
	If (GameHoursToGo()  <= 0)
Float Function GameHoursToGo() 
	Float fReturnValue = (((Self.GetValue(pSKK_MWTimeStamp) + (pSKK_MWFloraRegrowthGameHours.GetValue() * 0.04167)) - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()) / 0.04167)
	Return fReturnValue



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